Canada thread

Canada thread.

Get in here fgts

nanaimo here





Cowtown reporting in

416 reporting.

I' am going to Canada to do a pos grad course in Mississauga on January. What should I expect?

Will arrive on december.


Got any drugs?

Any Edmonton?

Sorry buds, no drugs here.

expect brown people


Dafuq do you want?
(Fraser Valley)

Super high cost of living, racially deverse population, basically its just another huge metropolitan centre you could find anywhere else in the west

Salmon arm

All you've contributed to the world is a high calorie dessert bar.


My condolences.
How's the inbreeding this season?

no way small world were abouts in nan im in south end

but its good

So.. How about that Trudeau fellow eh? Fine job he's doing not being accountable to the people and fucking the country up the ass.

Fair enough.
Although I'm certain it has pushed more than a few into diabetes.

I ain't white, but ewww. I want to meet Canadians, not a Prajeet or chinese people.

I hope it is not as bad as Miami, that place is US only in paper, people don't even speak english.

Yo, heard there where some hot chicks up there. ganna be visiting in a couple months.

Indians and Chinese are Canadian.
They helped settle the country and build infrastructure. It's the more recent immigrants that don't identify as Canadian and want to import their shitty rules here that you should worry about.
We have an open door to Syrians, north Africans, etc. Right now. Over 24,000 crossed last year alone as "refugees."

Montreal, and Vancouver if you want hot chicks with loose morals.

If a man install a sink in your house does he own it?

good chance

Nice, got any girls from the area? was told to hit up the "Trubute Lounge"

I am welcome with my white girl in your country?

Sudbury ON nigga

Manitoba fag

Nah man. All ugly stank native girls in Edmonton. Easy to tap but expect getting a STD with them.

604 reporting in

I really don't see a problem with immigrants that integrate into the host society. So cool to know.

My course will be on Big Data, hopefully I can land an IT job and immigrate.

My girlfriend dumped you faggots are meant to be kind and polite will one of you suck my dick or give me some advice
Not from maplevill either

Of course. We welcome all except Native Americans and First Nations.

Come to the Hammer bud, not far. Shit's cash, get to look at some Barton street hookers. Wouldn't recommend purchasing one though.......

> Look up on g maps
> First thing that pops up "Tim Hortons"
> Yep, it's Canada

905 reporting in

Thats great. I will donate you 8 kids with my white wife.



Any nudes of your wife...416 reporting btw