Ask the Magic Conch shell anything

Ask the Magic Conch shell anything


Will I ever fuck a guy in the ass?

I will approve tomorrow?



Will I get the job?

Does your ex telling you that her relationship is now open mean she wants yer dick?

With all the crazy memes happening in this world, does it mean we are all trapped in a dream?

Rolling again for this

am i straight?

will that kid in fourth grade that I went to school with ever grab another girls pussy?

"Maybe" means what?

Does she love me back?

Will i?

what a time to be alive

Well played conch....

Should I fap?
If not I will probably go out and get something to eat

Is masturbation the correct course of action right now?

Will she ever come back?

>733087258 will that kid in fourth grade that i used to go to school with grab another girls pussy (not spamming i just forgot to put op)

When will I die?

Is it going to be bad?

Does she still think of me the way she used to?

Will normies stop ruining memes?

should I fap?

will that kid in fourth grade that i used to go to school with grab another girls pussy (not spamming i just messed up op)


Am I going to hear more good news today?

Is it possible for me to be any more pathetic

wow is right
still remember her screaming

>pick related

Does my Waifu like me?

Does she love me?

will i?