This has gone on long enough! I don't know who's doing it or for what reason but people from here are going to great...

This has gone on long enough! I don't know who's doing it or for what reason but people from here are going to great lengths to humiliate and ruin Ivy, and it stops today!
This video of her
about pissforequality and her pictures of her diaper links from
keep popping up everywhere and they are uploaded by your people,Sup Forums, and they need to be DELETED!!!!!!!!

People keep posting her pictures and videos here and that needs to stop!!
You people are slandering her for no reason but just to mess her life up. This is beyond degrading and this ends now!!!

Other urls found in this thread:

She peed on herself?
That is most uncivilized.
For a woman, this is unbecoming and highly inappropriate.
That is disgusting

and you are?

When has excessive faggotry made us stop? Never
When has snowflakes ever beaten us? Never

We would have gotten bored and moved on BUT now we will have to keep going Just to make a point.......

Of course the (((MSM))) isnt gonna state that she was a FEMINIST
She deserves to be humiliated for thinking that way

You do NOT understand what kind of damage this is causing to her and everyone around her!!!
My god Yes she made a mistake and she did what she did But you do not have to keep making fun of her for it! This has divided her family because of all this drama keeps getting stirred up because people from here keep showing everyone her video and showing her intimate pictures!

Tits or GTFO

All for the lulz. She wore diapers and now it's all over the internet. Mind you now that you've posted link it's going to get worse. Good going if this isn't bait.

He gets it

Sorry, Ivy. We know you piss yourself and wear diapers. Its too late

A part of one of the photos description
>from an actual post Ivy made on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board. This did more damage than it helped.
You're just as much of a fucking retard as your friend. Never heard of her until now. Time to go fuck shit up

This has turned into a virtual WITCHHUNT!!! Everyone has turned on her because of this INCLUDING FAMILY!!! Fuck You guys. I though you could delete anything from the internet because you guys know this!!!
Please just help in stoping this against her
She is going through way too much right now to deal with all of this

I'm surprised that people feel so lonely that they have to bully a girl that hasn't reached adulthood mentally, and apparently physically as well.

>'Thought you could delete anything from the internet'
New, by any chance?

Hopefully she learns her lesson. Atleast she not that guy who blew 75k on a camgirl. Anyways, you're just making everything worse by giving her even more public exposure.

>You people are slandering her for no reason but just to mess her life up.

Slander is something that is untrue. Made up. False. Also, slander is spoken word. The term you want is libel, but again, libel refers to false claims and assertions. From what I can tell, nobody is claiming false things about her, just posting trufax. Are the people who are doing this assholes? Yes. Are they slanderous/libelous? No.

Here is her diaper pic she stupidly got caught in. Close the fucking door next time you idiot

dumb faggot, this bitch is already fucking weird and i hope she shits her diaper from stress

bet she loves the feeling of warp poop against her buttcrack

fucking freak

Everyone of you should be waterboarded and tossed into a river. This whole site should be shut down because everyone on here is a pedophile sicko that needs help! This is fucking sickening and horrific what is happening here. My fucking god have SOME sence of sympathy or decency for her?! WTF

This is literally what you're doing right now.


So, if she isn't a piece of meat what is she?
I thought that all girls were pieces of meat.

You don't seem to understand. This is Sup Forums, a website where anonymity is the name of the game. People here can, and often do, choose who to care about and who to throw under the bus. This was one part bad luck, three parts stupid mistake. But once it started, the result was inevitable. If not me, then the person below me. If not them, then the person below that.
If not Sup Forums, then 9gag (or whatever else, I dunno).

if this thread isn't just OP samefagging, you are the newest bunch of newbies I've ever seen

If you want to delete everything you need to call Bob Chandler, Internet Lumberjack.

You don't seem to understand. Saying something is "the name of the game" automatically tells people you can't think for yourself and rely on retarded sayings.

I am sharing her pics everywhere

It's 2017, fuck off.

>Largish post relevant to topic, thought up on spot to explain half-decent argument.
>Uses retarded sayings because not good at thinking shit up on spot.
>'can't think for yourself'


Ivy wears Goodnites BedWetting Diapers

This is fucking hilarious.

Fucking retard.

Show us her tits.

She is a bedwetter too? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

holy shit Sup Forums has gone downhill

>literally falling for our own b8

>you can't think for yourself and rely on retarded sayings.
You don't understand how language works and evolved do you?

Top kek

Goodnite Ivy



Call the cyber-police on these savages!

damn those titties are hot



I warned you kek

Who's this beta piece of shit?

Ivy the Bedwetter

its actually kinda sexy.

What a stupid fuckin bitch.

Peeing your pants leads to it

Truth is she died the second she peed herself.

Yes she learned her lesson but how many people have to harass her for it. She made a mistake. She was stupid, naive and didn't really know what she was doing. Bullying is never good in ANY circumstance. Especially this one
Don't turn this around you stupid fucks. This wouldn't happen if this site wasn't behind MANY suicide deaths in teenagers on the internet due to cyberbullying. But to your eyes, Ivy is just another case to laugh at and move on to the next victim you can bully into killing themselves



Have you taken an actual look at this website? Beyond the porn and racism, this is the only thread of its kind at the moment. But no, you want to bunch us all into one little group so you can persecute us and accuse us all of doing something we only do very rarely. Sound familiar?

Deal with it :3


Wow, you finally understood this site.
Now would you mind stepping aside, while I jerk off to those hot tits of her

Man, did you miss the attack thread? It was great!!!!


You people are assholes

I don't even know who the fuck this is, but I sure as hell do now, thanks to you.

Yep, now i'm shitty my pants laughing

Here take this pic of Ivy from the imgur
Shes actually trying to use big girl panties in this one


That's hawt! MOAR

Summer's here!

She admits to wearing diapers...
The dumb bitch
No wonder she has bladder problems

So... this is some retard grill that peed herself cause she fell for the hoax and then got made fun of. Am I missing anything? I feel I'm missing something.

Nah, you're not

Don't engage. Stop commenting or attempting to make anons delete the pictures. You're only making it worse. It'll be forgotten soon enough if you just stay away. You're not accomplishing anything by trying to threaten or namecalling anonymous people on the internet


I didn't realise this until now. You guys are the cess pool of the internet. This is where pedophiles and rapists go to hang out and chat! That IS FUCKING NASTY!! Seriously WTF is wrong with you people?!?!? Honestly I am Ivys good friend and I want this trying to humiliate her to stop.
Please at least tell me why you guys are doing this to her?

It's her own fault she got into this mess.

I (and most others here) forgot about her until you brought her up.
thanks a lot.
now i'm feeling down again because i'll never have a qt GF with a bladder problem to quench my piss fetish thirst.

>cess pool

She should model for adult diapers and make bank

thankyou for providing links to it. I now feel able to do something I could not do

Tell Ivy next time don't friend zone the nice guy

Shitty ethos argument. 'Didnt realise this until now'? what the actual fuck are you on about, what in any way suggest this is not a cesspool for social outcasts. I would agree with you, but not with this shitty ethos/pathos arguments which obviously have not, and will not work. At least some common sense would be nice.
This is surely too much effort to be bait, however......

why would trying to kill yourself make you wear nappies?