How do I meet attractive young females? where?

how do I meet attractive young females? where?

Gym, starbucks, car next to you

Here on Sup Forums we are all young attractive females. Welcome!

Cheerleading practice

what if I don't go to a gym?

this, pic related, I love to suck small cocks, op ;^)

Take a yoga class ya fuck


>yoga class
I want women to think that I am straight though


need some more concrete suggestions here Sup Forumsros I am a little desperate

EDM festival


Take general education courses at a uni. Like anatomy with all the nurses.

Abortion clinic

in night clubs of course

Have money hanging out of your pockets and the fine ladies will come to you

This works for Persians, niggers and mexicans

Go to college.

At the titty bar. Buy them drinks and pay for their cocaine, they will love you.


I shit you not, i rubbed a $100 bill around my face and Anjellica/Ebbi quality bitches would not stop following me.

It was traumatic.

Take a liberal arts course

I am about to finish my last semester in Fall although I never lived on campus only commuted from home


we are all whites over here, sucks to be you.

Actually, im a nigger.

well, bad for you.


datingapps suck donkey dick
girls go to bars I like to get away from dudes who just hit on them
college is a sham because everyone is either glued to their phones or being retarded and freaking out over their shitty grades

Become super interesting, no hipster, actually do shit once you develod a personality, a real one after reading watching movies listening to music politics art, after all that shit you speak so people hear you and after you speak to speak the hot chick, that's confidence, the other cocky shit if for niggers

Usually, I hang around the park, next to the park with my binoculars

okay but how do I become interesting?

follow steps provided in post.

this lol, came here just to post this

>im not op
but it's scary out there

Have money, dress well, read philosophy with a mix of pop culture for the typical female brain. Talk shit on female celebrities, grills are natural haters and will grab bait

well I already know a lot of stuff about music and film and art but I don't know where to find womens that are interested in such things other than working out and chad dick


1) Get off the computer
2) Go out
3) See young females
4) Say "hi"
5) ???
6) Netflix and chill
7) Repeat

Worked for me even before netflix was cool.

we are all whites over here, sucks to be you.

Are you an awkward looking twink?
You come off as a no confidence btard

how do to get money if poor student ?

Chaturbate yourself, sell on eGay, learn handyman shit and do work for milfs cause their beta cuck white husbands are too professional to fix a sink.

>Are you an awkward looking twink?

At whole foods

Women are more attracted to you if they think you might be gay tho

Become an outdoorsman if you don like the gym...learn to hunt. Females will cringe at first at the thought of a dead bambi but then the human DNA will kick in and look at you as an alpha provider therefore throwing their uterus at you

The whole foods in venice ca has loads of horny milfs in Lululemon's

alright a lot of decent suggestions here ~not really~ I am going to take these all in and mull them over, what have you, take a little of the good and a little of the bad, some of my ideas and some of yours and we'll see what happens

Can actually confirm this.

at the mall, or grocery stores

Having money.

Just start approaching every girl you see that you dig, Success in numbers. Don't be skeered, Sooner or later, you will score.

Go to where the girls are. Mingle. Move to a big city.

Teach English in Asia.

Just fucking go outside. Walk to a goddamn coffee shop or literally anywhere. Just get out there

College - you miss that and your next shot with is when they lose a couple points in attractiveness, and break up with their college partner, so figure around age 30.

Now, during your 20's, you may find coworkers to date, but they are going to be of less quality, seeing as you didn't go to college. Now you have a choice, date these retards who will 100% absolutely cheat on you, because they are stupid, or wait until the decent women break up with their college loves, and start chilling at bars. Now these women will be smart, but now they are ugly too. Women become unexplicably disgusting in their 30's, and then gain attractiveness points in their 40's again, but never what they once were.

So, you decide to fuck some whore, or wait it out. Now, you wait it out, and if decide you'd rather wait than be with an ugly women and hope she becomes attractive again post 40. Either way, at this point, kids are pretty much not in the picture, so you have a choice, date the 40 year old and never have kids of your own (she has some), or you can wait until you are 50, at this point you can go online and pick up borderline underage tail, because they are whores for men who have money.

Wrong choice, you didn't have money, so you are stuck never having a good life.

All this can be countered by either going to college, rape, or having lots of money. Other than that, miss college, miss life.