Ask a former Sup Forumstard turned normie anything

Ask a former Sup Forumstard turned normie anything
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Normie's don't brag about being a normie. That is why you fail.

Wasn't bragging about being a normie

I sense it.

is this loli?

LOL, look at him. He will run back here when she breaks his little heart.

Only if you believe hard enough

Gyros are like tits, nigga, they're always related.


Shit nigga, guess you're right

>former Sup Forumstard
>on Sup Forums

First time i've been on in years

do you use pineapple as a pizza topping?

Liberal or Conservative?

how bad were you?

Tapatio or Louisiana hot sauce?

What's the largest thing you've put in your ass?

also curious

I would spend most of my day browsing and shitposting on Sup Forums
I tried to put a dildo in my ass when i was 12


What time of day do you usually shit?

I actually just took a shit about 20 minutes ago and that's my usual time

Favorite drink?
Not cum

How'd you do it?

A&W Root Beer

Favorite stuff to shitpost

I managed to find a girl as soically awkward as I was, and she motivated me to become more confident and everything improved about me since then

Probably Ringo Starr MS Paint art