Should I kill myself ?

should I kill myself ?

Donate all your living tissue if you no longer wish to live.


Sure y not



if you're sure you're gonna do it, torture a ferret and rape a kid first on the way out. may as well leave in style...

That's true, leave people wondering.


>One less whiny american.
Go for it.

Nah man just get sober if you're not and chill out. Stop taking life so serious and have fun with it.

No, faggot.



suace, i know its leilani leeane but what scene

nah,dealing with your pathethic fucking corpse after you have done it would cost a lot troubles and money to your family and authorities.

I don't know you, but yes.

gotta love millennials AKA generation snowflake, something goes slightly wrong with their lives and they want to fucking kill themselves

is that a question?

Don't. If you do you'll never get to play Cyberpunk 2077.

VR porn in a few years is gonna be dope.
Not to mention the rapidly developing sex doll industry.
I see no reason not to see where this all goes.

>torture a ferret and rape a kid
Or torture a kid and rape a ferret.

No time like the present... that's why they call it a gift.

do it

Depends on how shit your life is.
Do you have a roof over your head?
Are you employed?
Are you healthy?

If you answered yes to more than two of these (especially the health one), then you shouldn't.


No, I'm already mad as shit about Chris Cornell.


Oh, and by health, I mean that you don't have anything making it impossible to achieve peak physical fitness or at least something resembling that.

Why would you ask strangers on a gook sexcartoon forum that? Ask your own people that you fuckin idiot.

Right. Too bad they dont all just do it. Definitely a sorry pathetic generation that will contribute nothing.

If you want loser tissue, look in your garbage can.

What country do you live in and any criminal record?
My answer will depend on yours.

Gonna post some hotties.
Hopefully, you'll be willing to get off your ass and live.





sorry, trying to get drunk


Cute af




Yeah, I mean, yeah. Do it. Why not? Fuck it. Kill yourself, man.



G'mornin Sup Forums,
tell me why you havent KILLED urself today


honestly.... I'm too lazy and too afraid to do it

just do it

I like food.
If I kill myself, I can't eat food.

Whoops, wrong image.


Double dubs and a triple nice get op

If you have to ask, the answer is YES!


>look to all these girls you'll never get laid
>kill yourself


>look to all these girls
>see what heights are within reach, if you only muster the strength to attain them

Rolling, also it seems kind of superfluous to have a dump of girls on Sup Forums, that's already so full of just this.

For the last time, YES!

No. Please don't.

So damn close.

If I look up to you what does that make me?


Alright done dumping.
You'll either get busy living or get busy dying

go for it man don't let these faggots hold you back from achieving your dreams

google crab bucket theory to understand why everyone is telling you no

But death is literally the ONLY thing we all can have and do have....

and yet Sup Forumstards still think they can take it from you

I don't believe you should

No the people that come here to attention wh0re are just weaklings. If you really want to die you do something powerful before you leave this Earth you don't cry to strangers about should I do it.

you mean like cum in your aunt's pasta

Become An Hero? Life is dope. You have internet, there are niggers drinking dirty mud water in a HIV infested dirt hut in Africa and they don't kill them selves. Toughen up