I want to try lsd tonight any tips?

i want to try lsd tonight any tips?
>how much should i take?
>what should i expect?
>should i have a sitter?
>is it safe to take it alone?

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Only thing I can do is suck cocs for money

Shove the tab up your ass. Post pics.

Watch this




>75-100 micrograms
>Classic psychedelic effects
>Might want to test if it's actually LSD first.
Might be an LSD analog or an NBOMe.

And this

No. Watch ISIS beheading videos you pussy.


i always tripped alone in my room on LSD. i wouldn't ever do lsd with anyone. one bad trip that sent me to the er ended my LSD days. i had tripped tons of times before the bad trip. be careful.

>"One bad trip sent me to the er"

Fucking kek. Did you wash your boy-pussy today?

i took 700 ug after a tolerance break of 4 months. you wouldn't have the balls to do over 300 ahahha

No. You didn't.

does codeine and alc work well together?

Yes. Do it now.

well then this is a completely pointless interaction lmfao. i'm gunna go smoke some weed

I listened to trance music while my friend did movements that fucked with me.
Gloving is really really cool.
Pretend your Buddha and make slow movements.

No you won't.

He's got you there.

yea, depends on your opiate tolerance. try a few beers or whatever and find the sweet spot.

>how much should i take?
just place it on your tongue and leave it for about 20 minutes before swallowing, use tweezers to place it on your tongue don't touch it with your hands
>what should i expect?
you'll trip balls for about 6 hours and be high for about 12
>should i have a sitter?
first time probably, depends on your mental state of mind though and your environment
>is it safe to take it alone?
should be, environment is very important. you want to feel safe where you are and comfortable. keep yourself occupied and distracted

oh shit i'm retarded, take 1 dose or 1 double dipped tab your first time depending on your history with psychedelics

has anyone ever extracted dmt? if so, is the process worth it? or are you better off just ordering dmt that has already been xtractd

there is no fucking double dipped tabs. that is just what dealers say to get their shit sold. you can't even measure dosage if you just dipped it in a bath of LSD. a blotter could probably hold over 1000 ug

if you aren't testing your LSD, you're stupid. respect these drugs, and respect yourself enough to do some due diligence. i want to say LSD is just diluted more than it is cut, but i wouldn't know. these rc's that are unknown can kill you like nothing

> take half a tab 50mg (not too overwhelming)
>expect that youll be questioning whats real and whats not
>sitter depends on your mentality
> taking it alone also depends on personality
my advice, be in a place you call safe play music that keeps you at ease, sitter isnt necessary bad trips are also good trips, be rational if you take it alone

100 micro grams

Get some Xanax just in case you freak out

i like the euphoria but nothing in my mind shifts

my mind is too stubborn. it wont budge, im not even trying to hold back. I think its because i have a high pain tolerance or something.

Never take dmt if you don't extract it yourself, also it's 100 times cheaper usually to do it yourself

Getting a sitter only makes me feel worse. I start feeling guilty for dragging them into doing that or that maybe they're judging me. Personally, either we all do it, or nobody does it.

I'd take dmt if you didn't extract it yourself, also it's 100 times cheaper usually to do it yourself

how much dmt for the "blast off" and how much does dmt usually go for

it's easy to extract you shouldn't have any problems just don't use cheap chemicals and take your time.

You definitely need a trip sitter that is sober.
Start with one, in about 45 mins you will feel something akin to a spider run up your back. Take 2 more.
Every trip is different but lights and colors are your friends, avoid anything that has emotional impact. Vitamins (particularly C) will help intensify your experience.
Remember, you do have a body and you will need it in the morning. Have fun.

50-80mg is a pretty decent dose if you vaporize it correctly. Not really sure about the prices these days, what you need to look for is the root bark to do the extraction. I know someone who knows all the prices and the math written down for everything but I don't have it with me. I've also seen dmt that's even slightly impure start to turn over time so you want to get it fresh

Don't take more than one for a first time. Absolutely do it in a safe place and preferably with someone RESPONSIBLE.

Do NOT fuck around with hallucinogens. People with no respect for the drug are the first ones fucking up and causing harm/damage to themselves or others

Do not let this video let you stray from the facts... if you or a loved one are suffering from mesothelioma or other asbestos related health issues, you and or your loved ones may be entitled to financial compensation.


Moderation is always key. Don't risk your life over some retarded shit like a drug overdose.


I've done it twice.
Took two tabs first time(no idea how many ug dealer didn't know) tripped out but didn't hallucinate at all just light closed eye visuals and music sounded great with headphones.
Second time GF and I each dropped 1 tab and tripped in a car for 6 hours, wasn't that high but got 11/10 life changing HJ


A sitter is a must. DON'T DO IT WITH OUT A SITTER!

cos u need to take 300ug

Don't listen to this pussy op you'll be fine