I'm so fucking fat oh my God I'm a piece of shit what do I do?

I'm so fucking fat oh my God I'm a piece of shit what do I do?

time to hit the gym

Smoke meth cheap easy fun way to lose weight without dieting


Mah nigga

you already know what to do, you just wont do it cause youre lazy and have no willpower. I lost 40 lbs just working my shitty job and eating one meal a day and smoking cigarettes. its not healthy, but it worked for me. now im losing the rest by actually working out and eating vegetables. something you will never be able to do.


Losing weight is the easiest thing a person can do. Stop fucking eating

only one diet/exercise program has ever worked in the history of man kind: Eat less, move more. have the willpower to burn more calories than you consume in a day and you will lose weight, persistence is key. 30 min/day is better than 4 hours twice a week.

I'm a fat lard as too, OP. It sucks. but eh.... there are worse things to be in this life.

but i love eating. oh i love eating.


drinking beer now, making it worse

I went from 290 to 200 on keto, working on getting the rest of the way to 180 with eating carbs only before a workout. First big push was only keto, though. Good diet for not feeling hungry, only hard part was the incessant faggots who read one bodybuilding forum post from SquatzOatz420Life saying it are not the good or whatever.

>Stop drinking soda
>Stop eating chips
>Count calorie intake
>Start going for daily walks

My doc told me to eat Tums, says stomach acid is what makes us feel hungry

1) drink only water (no additives), and black coffee.
2) eat 2 meals a day, consisting of: Fish cooked in 1 teaspoon of butter, and as many boiled veggies as you'de like (as long as they are not carrots, or potatoes)
3) Masturbate at least 4 times per day

Honestly he would be better off on nofap
His T would be higher and he'd have more energy for excercise

yeah, i knew that, but thanks for the backup


go to the gym and eat right.

the fuck else?

alternatively become a faggot. There is a demand for bears.

it hurts

some of you are really brain damaged. if you eating 3000 cals a day and don't ever gain or lose, that is your maintenance. if you eat more than that, you will gain. if you eat less than that, you will lose. how hard is that to understand? lazy faggots don't understand simple concepts

I lost a lot of weight but decided I like tendies more than being thin. I don't give a shit I can still get laid and I don't want to live past 50 anyway

I ate less calories and lost 120 pounds. I'm still a fat fuck at 25% body fat, 6'3" male, 215 pounds.

Maybe I'll gain it back again. This sucks.

I wish I knew how to help you.
I know HOW to lose weight.
I just.


I lost 50 pounds in 2 months on the Dukan diet, then completely lost the will to live for a few months and gained it all back. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me. I know that I am going to wind up with diabetes. I know that this is going to kill me before im 60, but I can't fucking stop eating shit-tier food. I am a serious addict. I will spend my last penny on a fucking brownie. Oh god, I want to stop, but I can't. I don't know how. I just fucking eat and eat and eat. I know I shouldn't eat a fucking huge mixing bowl full of frosted flakes every night, or an entire box of zebra cakes, but I can't stop myself. I just want to fucking die, because I don't want to live through all the pain this is going to cause me, and is already starting to. ( do you have any idea what it's like to barely be able to fit in a size 48 pair of jeans???)

You should eat better and stay fit, you aren't disgusting fat so don't let it get to that point.

Stop eating shit....

Man's gotta eat.

damn straight

Fuck off, Randy