Had my dog for 14 years

>Had my dog for 14 years
>starts to slow down a bit
>have to lift him onto my bed, but still sleeps at the foot of my bed like a bro
>little later, needs help off bed too, that's cool bro, got your back
>little later, limping
>take him to vet, not good, VERY not good
>next week, even worse, make the appointment
>pay extra to have them come to my home since he hates the vets
>sitting on my favourite chair, him lying ontop of me, his favourite seat in the whole house, he's content as they inject him
>His breathing slows, eyes clothes, I feel him go, ask family to leave me alone
>sit there all night, fall asleep
>wake up in the middle of the night, get up, go for a pee
>come back he's lying there
>So peaceful
>I think he's sleeping
>Im in bits
Hold me Sup Forums, I loved that dog more than anything, he was the only constant in my life, 14 years he was always there when I got home, always there on my bed, how am I meant to sleep without him snoring at the foot of my bed

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im sorry for your loss user

rip in pupperino

I'm sorry for your loss, but seriously nigga? You just left the guy laying there?

r.i.p pupper

Puppers always hard to let go. They dont fight with you, they only want a bro to hang out with, they dont expect the world from you, they just want to play and be your friend. In the end they remind us of the simple things. RIP puppers

>eyes clothes

>being this much of a faggot
Go back to your trap threads, nigger.

OP that's rough. Dogs are too precious for this world

hi user
sorry for your loss )-:
dogs can be some of the best friends we will ever have, and they cant even speak a word in our language. crazy isnt it?

know that feel bro. sounds like you gave your doggo a good life


My dog had to be put down last year. I just couldn't get sad and it fucking hurts because I love her. She was supposed to be the one and only girl to never leave me, still got her collar. Sorry for your loss op

this is the first time i have welled up for any b/ post ever. i feel your pain OP just remember he had the best life and the best way to go. and your a faggot

Dude that's the worst. Sorry for your loss.

Had Siamese cat who would paw at your face if you weren't paying attention to him. Had to be around me at all times or he'd cry for me. Slept across my neck like a scarf every night. Took him to vet because he was stumbling around, they found out he had brain cancer. Said to take him home for the night and bring him back the next day to be put down. Tried, but he was too sick, so brought him back a couple hours later. Vet asks if I'm ready, and I say to hold a sec so I can hold him one more time. Pick him up, he wraps his paws around my neck and literally hugs me. Won't let go, so I have to pull him off of me. I sit him on the counter and he just stares at me waiting to be held as they inject him.

was not expecting to get punched in the feels tonight. sorry anons

I dont think this is original

My boy will be 11 this year. He's also a big dog, so I'm hoping for 3-4 more years.
I really don't know what I'll do when he's gone. It's something I dread more than anything - losing him. He's my constant companion and buddy. Wherever I go, he's right there too.
Had a gf say "he goes or I do" - told her "see ya."
Honestly, I really don't see me wanting to be here anymore without him.

The hardest thing anyone will do in life is say good bye to a companion like that. It never gets easier but it's worth the pain and heartache k owing you saved a life and will continue saving lives.

my mom got me a yorkish when i was in college, he was with me troug the las 2 years of collage, i still got him.
The thing is that he got ran over, i saw it all, i jumped infrot of the car, forcing it to stop, but it was a bit late, half his boddy was under the tier (he is a small fucker). Little buddy was criying and wining like a mother fucker, i tought he was gona die, i got it out of there, and floored it to the vet, luckly the vet saved him, but he lost a leg.
He is fine now, he runs, jumps, chases pidgeons, cats, he even scare the raccons off my property, he is got a nice family, 2 female dogs, his wife and his daughter, we are happy. i am happy, and i think this experience is gona help me a lot when he passes. just be glad you guys were happy togheter and that you were lucky enough to meet him on your journey.

Siamese cat bro here. Here's a good dog tribute video:


i feel it Sup Forumsro. honestly i do. enjoy this agony because soon you won't have it anymore. remember you dear old friend and relish in the memories you've had
together. All dogs go to heaven, you'll see him again in a while.


Put a blanket over him, taking him to the farm we got him from tomorrow to bury him next to his sister and his Mum.
Worked at the farm when I was a teen on weekends, they his litter was born literally a day or 2 before I started, hadn't even opened their eyes, he was always my favourite, had a mickey mouse pattern of spots on his back. After a year they had sold all his litter besides his sister and him, had to sell him so he didn't fuck 'em. Was a surprise for me to take him home. God damn tomorrows gonna suck

this guy gets it

poo in the loo, pajeet

Seems relevant.

user..... it had to be done. he was suffering.

Sorry user :'(

my dog of 10 years( a rescue) was dying of cancer but it would not survive the trip to the vet. (long distance). dog had already shit itself and didn't even have the energy to blink. it just wimpered and winced in pain whenever i pet or touched the dog. i had to put it out of it's own misery by winding up it's neck and snapping it. poor dog wasn't going to last much longer and was in all sorts of pain. you fucking pussy, had your dog euthanized... i had to snap mine's neck. you have no idea what loss is, until you've had to take it's life.

how about you fucking grow a pair?

>Had a gf say "he goes or I do"
That cunt had it coming.

He's the only pet I've put down that I wasn't devastated about. We had our time together, and he had to go then. He never felt any pain, and died with his owner he cherished so much.

My man, I hate when partners pull that bullshit about ultimatums with pets and animals. If you're that pissed off in a relationship that you're going to use absolutes then you can fuck off.

> (a rescue)

lol kys faggot

I'm sorry


started out as the family pet of my, at the time GF, now wife. parents moved and couldn't take the dog. defaulted to us.

get back to me when you have your normally 25lb, 15 year-old dog die at your side in bed in the morning, now at 11 lbs squirming all night, vomit on your body and on her face, rigor mortis already kicked in, knowing all along that that would be the last night you spend with your dog you got when she was 2 months old. Oh and a medical license exam the same morning that you end up failing by 2 points.

Didn't realise having your dog die was a competition bub, clearly you're a big hard man and win the deg dog contest. gj faggot

you could have done it many other less painful ways. you wanted to break that neck

instant separation between the nervous system and brain= damn near painless and over in an instant.

so close but yet so very far

fuck, right in the feels

>my tragedy is worse than yours, so you shouldn't be sad at all
Holy fuck, dude...

I had the same thing happen to me, my dog got tumors and cancar, she lots so much weight she couldn't even hold onto anything, the day she died she couldn't even get out of bed, I thought I would be devastated, but if the was more convenient for a relief that she was not longer suffering and in a better place, did probably. Help we had a new 1 year old dog

Yeah, I can see how your loss is so much greater.
Stop trying to one up who lost the most when their truest and likely best friend died by their side.
It's always terrible, there is no adequate measure for that kinda loss. They were so much a part of you, and when they passed, they left a hole, that never really leaves you, the agony just dulls a bit as we move on, or we just grow used to the pain and ignore it until something comes along to remind us and makes it fresh again.

it's not about tragedy. the dog was in pain and it wasn't going to get better for him. i whispered to the dog, told it i loved it and that i'll never forget him. i tried to calm him down a bit and then end it fast.

It is at least 2x greater, ask any user in this thread. Fuck you, and fuck your mother. Enjoy your dad's/bf's dick tonight, but I don't have to tell you that.

assuming he fully separated

I grew up on a farm, iv killed a shit ton of animals, and I even eat my pet pig, my family told me not to make a conection with it, also had to axe my rabbits head of at 8cause it had mixi so don't talk to me about taking life

letting your dog die in agony.

>he vomited on me
>failed exam because dog
>could have had him put down for free
>i blame others
>and my dog

You called him a pussy because he didn't have to snap his dog's neck. You can't walk that back. Just admit you were a dick and move on.

It's exactly about that, you nigger. You flaunt a story about having to do something terrible and tell people to grow a pair. Fuck off with your excuses.

You're a faggot from a long line of faggots.
You got a real pedigree there, a pure blood faggot.

this nigga thinks he can quantify someone else's feelings. wtf

I fucking hate dogs

those aren't pets if there's no connection.

I'm sure you're a fine connoisseur of faggotry, so I'll take your word for it, faggot.

found the furfag.

Good for you?
I hate corn.

Kinda ironic there's an ad banner at the bottom of the thread of a guy fucking a rendered anthrophromirphic rabbit.

Yes, I am. Reading a post from a gold label one now.

Don't blame anyone, and you don't know any of the circumstances leading up to my dog's death, so

the is synonymous with faggot, btw

>2 years after dog was put down
>watching tv
>dog that looked like Patron comes on
>hit instantly w/memories and good times
>see his face as he is excited to see me
>see him wagging his tail and all hyped in every memory
>take deep breath and unleash uncontrollable sob
>im taken back at my reaction
>try to stop
you never forget a good dog. not when he loyally stays by you for 15 years.

nigger of Sup Forums detected

recommened course of action:
>kill yourself faggot

I know that feel OP.

Get another doggo when enough time has passed. Not as a replacement, just a new friend, Always gotta have a doggo. There are lots of doggos that need homes and you sound like someone any doggo would be proud to call their person.. I've had 7 in my life and have had to bury 5. Never gets easier but the time we get with them is worth it.

tits or gtfo

Have fun at school Monday, faggot. Don't forget your fidget spinner

>feeling bad for a pet makes you a furfag
The definition for furfaggotry gets stretched pretty badly these days.

got 'eem!

also check'd

You fucking masochist. Also do you kill your pets, are a hoarder, or are you 60?

Maybe cats are more your thing.

Much like your mom's anis.

just lost a sandshrew recently. also, stop derailing you needy faggot.

>talking about lost pets
>talks about lost pokemon
pls kys, faggot lord


He is a pet. You gave him a good life Stop crying, many dogs have to fight every day on the street for food. If you loved your dog, help another one in a shelter have as good of a life as pupperino did.

sorry for your loss op, lost my shiba last year and the pain was intolerable at first, but it does get easier with time.

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

You did the right thing. It'll be okay.



ehhh yechkk

shame on you, lady. That sucked.

Rule 34 on dead dog.

Do it, OP.

>Cat is 6 years old female
>we sleep together every night
>Roll around in bed like old married couple
>mfw I know I will die before her.
>mfw I hope the door is open so she can get away

Had a cat that I grew up with since I was 3, never really noticed or paid much attention to him because he had been there my entire life at the time that I thought he'd never die or at least that he'll live longer than I'd expect. He also started slowing down, he'd cry all the time and I thought he was just sick so I never really noticed. One day I tried moving him off a seat, he wouldn't move and just stared at me and cried. I laid him down on a blanket and comforted him, up until then I didn't know the connection I had with him, he had always been there in my childhood. Curled up on the blanket he let out faint cries, I sat there with him sobbing. He would always rub against my feet and sit on my lap, yet here he his barely able to open his eyes. He passed away that night, to this day he has been the only animal I was so emotionally attached to.

If it's any consolation, user, your post deliver person will likely call in a welfare check after several days if you give them the heads up. Just let them know that if the mail stacks up for a few days to assume the worse.

Rule 8. There are no real rules about posting. Fuck yourself.

I hope someone notices. The stupid cat thinks I am her kitten or something. Whenever I go to the bathroom, she sits outside the door to keep watch and protect me. It's cute, but heartbreaking.

She knows you are the one who brings in food for both of you, of course she feels the need to protect you and keep you safe. Tell your postman, they'll be the first to know that something is wrong. I had a grandfather that passed away and the postman called in a welfare check after several days and that's how everyone knew. It would have taken another several, and with a cat to take care of that can make all the difference.

Cats on the other hand are dicks

There is no death only a change of worlds.

Hope you're okay user.

>Dog is 14 years old
>got her after I finished 1st grade
>she's awesome and the best dog
>I pick her up and put her on my parents bed a lot now because she's old
>but she still has energy for walks and stuff
>not in pain
>we know she has leg cancer in one of her back legs
>but it hasn't affected her yet
I know it's gonna happen, but I am not ready to see her go.

>eyes clothes

I think get over yourself. Don't be a selfish fuck vigilante, you aren't fucking Batman, you're just some piece of shit who can't get over a death. It's better they dispose of the body anyway, honor his memory, not his rotting corpse.

I never owned nor liked dogs. Cats are awesome though. I grew up with my moms cat and it lived to 22 years old til finally everything gave in. My friends cat had to be put down but they remember the cat still looked healthy as could be wanting to just look out the window a bit more.

Had my cat for about 12 years. Took her into the vet because she was very slow and not moving very much. Parents never got her fixed, I ignored it. It was too late to do anything."There's too much swelling in the uterus, we could try surgery but there's very little chance she'll make it." I had her put down that day. I've been filled with nothing but regret ever since. I'm sorry for your loss user, I hope it gets better for you.

A couple of years ago we had to put down my dog. He was with my mom when he had a stroke. They took him to the vet and they told her that there was nothing they could do and recommended putting him down. I was 45 minutes away and waiting would have prolonged his suffering. I wept and begged my mother not to leave him until it was over.

You understand. I am old and have no family or friends. It is me and the cat and the mailman.