All dubs here are facts, all trips and above are universal truths

All dubs here are facts, all trips and above are universal truths

Op is a fag

I will die by tomorrow

Traps are gay

Stfu shill

OP chugs dick

i want to fuck die

niggers are worthless


Andy Sixxs creamy logs grant immortality



Im.. actually not a faggot!!

Liking traps does not make you gay

u're mom gay lol

Momcest is ok

ITT: Trying to validate deplorable fetishes

All unproductive members of society need to be deported to south africa

Hitler was right about everything.

Seig Heil!

Movies were a mistake

Feels threads are for bitches who want attention.

jews are not behind everything

Jews did 9/11

I will post a pic of my ballsack in this tread

Traps are gay

females dont exist, only traps

the ps4 is better than the switch even though no one thinks so

This is not a fact or a truth.


jews need to be gassed

>Disregard promiscous ladies
>Acquire currency

my girl friend is a emotional whore

GR15 needs to be removed and /mlp/ deleted.


Cum is the ultimae source of protein. Roll...

The south will rise again

Half-Life 3 will be released in November of 2019

South confirmed for rising again

Op is a faggot.


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I'll get a qt sub female(male) gf who is willing to do anything for me

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we're all faggots with cancer and nothing can treat us

The illuminati is really globalist jews

everybody should suck my wiggly dick

i am hitler

឴ ឴ ឴▲
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Trump is the best thing that has happen to america since electricity

killing yourself is the secret of life

Life has no meaning, and existence is pointless.


"Rhythm, you have it or you don't." That's a fallacy.

Sup Forums is shit

Communism is a complete failiure

all niggers smell like shit

ur gay

Your whole life, up to this point, has been a lie, and you don't know how to cope, so you live as user.

This isn't a fact

repeating digits mean nothing

This is not a pipe.

Sabaton is the best band if all time.

oh shit nigger



Lol, did you learn about them from that Trump troll video too?

Traps are FUCKING. GAY.

we are finally free

oh shit


... fuck

I THINK this thread will die before most see this, so we're safe



Chad Kroeger killed his whole family

Well shit

We can't let drumpf get the nuclear codes

He will murder everyone

My dick is small

but i saw it

Nickelback is a respectable hard rock band.

Hillary shall rise again

mfw i always get dubs

Jews> Everyone else


BLM is a terrorist organisation and should be systematically disposed of

Minecraft is the best RPG of all time

i am gay


I am seeing other versions of myself in my hallucinations.

>personal truth

underrated post

Don't you 404

screencap pls

op is a cock sucker


Anyone screencap this yet?

this good?

well shit

gotta have op to make sense.

Traps are fucking gay