Will he be a top or bottom while incarcerated?

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inb4 the russians

kek, just like you, you inbred moron..

because you have a shitty healthcare for 90% of the country doesnt mean you have a "shitty" healthcare for the top 10% (which you arent close to) and eurofags like me, who can afford it because we are not in debt after just attending basic school like college..

so, if you do a bit of reading, you can see that you have a very good system for the top, and trickle down doesnt work in this case.

i wont feel sorry for you when you die of a easy preventable disease, but by all means, be proud that you have good doctors you cant afford.

better, you can an hero now

Your assuming he even does time. Rich people dont jail in murica. In the off chance they go to club fed. They knit, and tend gardens, and dont get anally raped


Sorry to disapoint. Its the way murica works. Prison sex is reserved for regular folks


I was thinking more like this



Seriously though, Chris Handsome, that's a funny story line in that show.

That episode kills me everytime i watch it

>Niggas know they way around prison

Fuck you all. I've gotten trips twice in this thread.

The Boondocks is a terrific show. Great social commentary, scathing humor, ridiculous characters.

Its too bad Aaron Mcruder is too much of a militant nigger to keep it going. Still its a great show

Dubs. No kidding, well, let him do him. Anyways...back to the topic at hand

I licky trump

your president is mentally challenged

Whether you're trolling or being serious, you need to grow the fuck up and get a job.

>tells an user to grow up
>on Sup Forums

Top kek

I have and I do. Just bored, drunk, and stoned.


Yeah, I agree. Trump enjoys a good pounding, whether it comes to business or pleasure.