This thread is a death note

this thread is a death note

Hilary Clinton

Me lol

George Soros

Jim Miller

OP- dead by being a faggot


>buys deathnote
>wait a couple weeks
>it arrives
>my fingers are trembling
>I slowly grab the deathnote
>m-m-muh potato chip!
>I open it
>grab a feather because it's the 1830's
>write down "OP."
>I know what he looks like because he's a fag, all fags are the same
>tick tock, tick tock
>40 seconds is up
>Next day
>"37 year old virgin faget ass OP was found dead in his weaboo cave by his mother"
>His mother spoke about the situation.
>"I'm honestly not surprised, his room smelt dank and his desk had stains of semen all over it, he only lived off of a bucket of butter and mountain dew."


Donald Trump
Mike Pence
Paul Ryan
Orrin Hatch
Rex Tillerson
Steven Mnuchin
Jeff Sessions
Ryan Zinke
Sonny Perdue
Wilbur Ross
Alex Acosta
Tom Price
Ben Carso
Elaine Chao
Rick Perry
Betsy DeVos

this post is a drug deal



Sara Goldbach

Arian Ortiz

Seth Rich

Jeff Kaplan


Chris Cornell

Rob Mumford cuts own throat with spoon

Hugh Mungus

Emmanuel Macron