Some dude's streaming the deep web. Get in here!

Some dude's streaming the deep web. Get in here!

inb4 "Not your personal army". If it's for something petty and personal, like a bully or chad, then NYPA. If it's for shits and giggles, which this is, then it should be fine.

Already seeing some results. Not sure if it's from this thread or not, since it's really empty. Also bump.



that fag looks like the typical basementdwelling loser

I hope that moderator is a Sup Forumsro

He's modding people now. Guess he finally snapped. It's random people, so I guess you could grab a place if you're fast enough.

Yeah except he's got half a million sucscribers. Kek you fucking faggot

lmao some mods abused their power

This guy and his subscribers are fucking normies. He overuses old normie memes like "get rekt".

Yeah, I think this guy's too popular. You guys wanna find a different stream?

I'm down for whatever

I don't know how he is popular... he just spurts opinions and doesn't back it up.

isn't that why you come here Sup Forumsro?


Well if we can't chat cause of mods, we could try mass flagging the stream? Anyone?

Flag it for CP (Child Abuse)

Fucking hell. This is the perfect example on how not to use the darkweb (even if you ignore the fact that he's streaming it)

So you want people to lie now and falsely accuse somebody of highly illegal shit?

Don't know where he gets his links from, but if he accepts them from viewers, he'll visit an illegal site soon enough


I don't know which is worse. Him acting like he knows shit or watching him doing all those stupid fucking mistakes.