Walk into your bathroom

>walk into your bathroom
>see this
What do?

Take the batteries since I am a poor fuck who cannot afford them

Slam the door. Move.

turn 360° and leave

actually he is shiting quite right. Acording to scientist's this is the healthy way

180 dipshit


he is better than us, shame on us

summerfag spotted. fuck off to 9gag with your Apple juice

start speedbagging his nutsack

If you turned 360 youd do a full circle and would still be looking at a confused mong .


Check out that dong

Shout "Private Pyle, your ass looks like about a hundred and fifty pounds of chewed bubblegum!"

he's right you would still be facing the same direction if he turned 360 you niggerfaggots


Shut the door, grab his head and slam it into the toilet seat continuously.

You, sir, are the faggot. By far the largest one in this thread.

That's the joke...

you...lurk more
like this guy

Run up and drop kick the sob.

Why is his shirt on backwards and inside out?

I can never tell if troll or newfag


Please leave or don't post and lurk moar

grab shotgun

Stare. Unzip pants. Take out dick. Scream at my dick for 30 seconds. Zip pants back up. Dick stuck in zipper. Scream some more.

360 and moonwalk out

Drown all defectives at birth.

Bunch of candy ass roody poos