Just killed my neighbors dog he never looks after it anyway

Just killed my neighbors dog he never looks after it anyway
Dispatched it in the woods behind my house

Trips and ill eat it raw.

The fuck is this 2007?

oooo - so many edges...

>Newfag thinks people on Sup Forums will think he's cool if he posts edgy shit.
Is it summer already in Amerifat?

Picture of the Ukrainian Maniacs. Nice try at bait summerfag.

well except in wyoming, the weathers been great

>When you learn a new cool phrase in 2017

Lookie here, what a regular mr. Edgy Edgerson you are.

It's legal in most states to eat dog. It just can't be a house pet.

Roll nigga roll



>When you learned the word edge yesterday and can't wait to use it



You almost had it


>When you saw other people saying edgy on Sup Forums and you like being a sheep

are you waiting for more people to reply to with that


>this is now a bait thread




this thread gained 13 replies and only 1 poster


actually 10.

Check em

12 faggot


make me cunt


