League of Legends professional gaming (LCS) caster/analyst Mitch "Krepo" Voorspoels was sending nudes(and other pics)...

League of Legends professional gaming (LCS) caster/analyst Mitch "Krepo" Voorspoels was sending nudes(and other pics) to a presumed minor but was catfished hard.
Lets us revel in the fact he will most likely lose his job and his name is ruined.


show me that good good

Will post more pics as fast as I can


dirty man


Didn't something like this happen last year with the same guy ( or maybe another caster ?) and nothing happened to him in the end ?


Same caster but proof of the pics was not there.

has to be bait. .. the guy can't be that rtarded. After that other cukt streamer's allegations... right?

Fucking kek, his career is donezo


Yeah it was him, some streamer called him out on it but instead they banned the streamer lol


He already step down from the caster desk at MSI, he made a twit about it.

He's quite autistic I have to agree. He even got banned from Twitch and LCS for calling someone else out on other shit.
Seems like he's quite new to the old interwebs.

since op makes me sad here you go:
pastebin com/9WR8jSUM
call it virus or not, it has all the pics


Yeah it has it all but preferred to post the pics by themselves. Thanks tho.

Impressive shot tho

I'd fuck him

wtf was going in his mind when he sent a pic like this ?

He's clearly never met a catfish nor been in the internet before lol


He did this again? Recently?


All these pics and vids have been sent and taken in about a months span.

Check his real Twitter

He is unbanned ,mate.

how old was the person meant to be that he was sending them to?

15 or 16 yo but there is no proof


thats not really that bad is it

was he really? hes the only twitch streamer i could enjoy. His autism was truly entertaining.


Didn't gross gore have an argument with krepo over something like this?

Still illegal

he got banned from twitch the moment he spoke the truth about Krepo, said that he and Febiven had sex with underage girls last year at an esports event but he had no proof at that time

Holy fuck, lol. But he asked that person's age, that should cover him shouldn't it?


gross gore loves the drama tho so not many people believed him

that's a very stupid decision
he shouldn't just "step away" , that would just give the internet time to mock him more and the rumors will fester

how good is this

what is this expression trying to convey?

grossgore gets unbanned, krepo gets fired, oh the irony

who leaked them ?

Fuck nigger v dont care... v welcome pedos'

I went to school (university) with this guy before he dropped out to go professional gaming


Yeah him and ice both autistic both banned

There is a gif too of him cumming