Sup Forumsrothers, gather round and hear. I just poped the cherry. I finally got lucky...

Sup Forumsrothers, gather round and hear. I just poped the cherry. I finally got lucky. I picked up at 6/10 in a local bar and fucked her back at her apartment. It was okay but my climax was not really as intense as I had imagined.


itll be better than 'okay' when ya have feelings for her, so keep trying

story time for virgin

You want the story?

I want the story.

Good. Maybe now you can do something worthwhile with your life instead of bothering about getting laid.

I hope you stayed over. it's the next morning sex that's really good, the "surprise, we're doing it again!" bits

Story time, virgin master

Yes. It's story time.

I got 18 a couple of months ago and I decided not to start my last high school year as a virgin. Enough was enough. So I started training cardio and calastenics and got pretty fit in about about 4 months. So earlier today I went to a local bar (not so big but it was cozy) and there was a group of 4 girls. I got eye contact with one of them and started flirting.

How was it for the first time?
Did the feeling come up to your expectations?

After some time I got up to the group and started really flirting with her. After I bought a couple of drinkes for us I asked if she wanted to take it more private. So we went to her apartment.

The condom took most of the feeling but she said that she wouldn't do it without. It was ok

not bitching but learn greentext user

No wonder, your dick probably got cancer by touching a slut from a bar.

I know but I'm writing while walking to a house party and kind of drunk. Would you teach me?

You got fit in 4 months?

Shit, I can't even dedicate myself to go every other day to the gym

>not fat but motivation is hard to come by

Push yourself hard know that there is pussy at the end of the tunnel

But do I really want a woman who only wants me superficially?
Yeah puss is great and all, but what does it matter when all they want is your looks?

But we're no different I suppose.

The pussy is only a side benefit. The best thing about being fit, for me is the confidence and the ability to perform great at sports with friends. But now that I have gained some experience, I feel comfortable in going 100% in on my crush.

Also I didn't go to a gym because I'm a poorfag. I planned a nice route to run cardio and a free local outdoors calastenic gym