Hi again from Mexico amerifats. Hope you finish paying your mortgage soon

Hi again from Mexico amerifats. Hope you finish paying your mortgage soon.

Shouldn't you be cleaning that pool?

shouldn't you be hitting the gym?

Nice outdoor lounge for the men's club you're paying to go to. Post a pic of your actual house when you get home

you're obviously at a hotel or something there's a fucking board with pool rules on it right there dipshit..

How's the human trafficking business going?

nice cartel money fam

dude that pool is like, such a Mexican pool, you dig?

Can u hook a brother up with a pair of edc vegas tickets and a plane ticket?

I'll be cool and cover the hotel


Mmm... open borders means becoming more like Mexico.

Mmmm.... sign me up.


Is your dad a werewolf, cankles. A fat werewolf?


Miguel please do you job you lazy fuck

Build that wall

House? I think you mean shanty.

I don't get this post. They have mortgages in Mexico like anywhere else.

Or do you mean you can't afford one?

is this the same guy trying to wire BTC to people not long ago? dude I feel sorry for you, you possibly did the heist of some mere 40k ransomeware which made headline right but 40k? I mean cmon seriously... any idea how much money some people are making just being cleverer than you?

I feel sorry for you because you did this and you come on here because you have no friends or social circle to hang out with, Sup Forums is your only social 'circle'.

go work $5.00 and being the but boys of corporations while they shit all over their employees by having mexi-scum telling you what to do.

I think he means he doesn't need one

he means he has already paid off his mortgage you fucking 13 year olds


But if he had a mortgage and paid it off, why is he so insulting to other people doing the same thing?

haha, we have a psychologist here guys, prepare to have your posts deconstructed.

But mine is paid off too.

Did you pay 9.99 for that house? I mean, that is big money for shit kicking Mexico, right?


The more dangerous and parted from civilization is the house is more cheaper. Paying 9.99 is impossible


burned alive n over contrived


>that disgusting hairy leg

Get back to work you dirty fucking spic. You CLEAN pools, not sit in them. I hope the real owner of that house finds you being a lazy bean nigger and fires your ass.

Shouldn't you be doing your homework?

Didn't Mexico pass America in the category of most fat? Good job

Mexico is always the first in the worst of the world

Hope you find a way to pay for the wall, faggot.

>have many mexican friends
>one paticular one that sold me cocaine sometimes
>rather poor guy, lives in shit apartmnet, no car, roughing it, for years it was like this
>obvious gang member
>Trump wins in November
>adios gordo
>later amigo
>2 weeks laters he's driving a Benz living in a Mansion in Mexico

Hell. Even PRs thank gawd they aren't mexicants.

Why is this brown person showing the TV in his hotel the finger?


Hey! It seems you can really afford to pay for the wall after all.

Mexican and Latina culture is the only way to go anymore. Its either let the Jew overlords feed us to the Muslims or let the blacks fuck your daughters.

Screw that pendejo

Sorry I'm from Liechtenstein, and why do people overseas buy houses they can't really afford? If you're poor and can't buy a house, why get cucked by the bank by taking up a mortgage?

Yes, ironically with the islam horde overtaking Europe, the last bastion of western civilization will be latin and south america, and russia.