Hunger Games

Hunger Games
First 24 and no dupes

Devil Pepe


hi Megu


Bork Lazer

Ryuuko Matoi



Emperor of mankind

Horus lupercal


Roubute Guilliman




JonBenét Ramsey


Truth Magician

Mexican Kirby

Our Lord and Savior


Big Sister


Specimen 9

Miley Fetus

1 more

24. OP better deliver

but it's 24

This 1? Or just someone commenting on Horus Lupercal?

Is this a tribute?

Did i make it?

just in the nick of time

Not a tribute

And after almost and hour to fill 24, it's time to start

Its you and me dubsrollins, until the end.

Bloodbath started deadly


God damn explosions

ayyy sais for me and kills for rollins. district 12 spreading hell

And first day is calm

You hosting Megumi?

Only the bloodbath and 1/4 are out, pay respects
You and Bot really guess well

Was he weak to pit type?

Megu, Milli... avenge us

They're going down too

Not everyone make the right choices


>DubRollins forces someone to kill me
>Same district

You mother fucker. FETUSSSS

Megu why would you do that


Arena happened

The universe has many horrors yet to throw at us. This is not the end of our struggle. This is just the beginning of our crusade to save Humanity. Be faithful! Be strong! Be vigilant!


8 left, and 10 dead, pay respects

Cheering for JonBenet. Get em you zombie cunt

The killing is not over yet

>JonBenet Ramsey on fire


Worst feast ever

The echs in the distance

This is going to be fun (for him) right?

Every surviving person raid Jontron and steal his spaghetti

Mr Doggo

Only 2, pay respects anyway

Your late nigga

Fire keeps people warm, but excess of anything is bad

Jontron, that glorious fuck

The light, it burns

>F ing the two creepiest tributes

When they pretend to do nothing but actually they're coming up with a plan

No world shall be beyond my rule; no enemy shall be beyond my wrath.


A moment of silence for him



Or they are doing nothing on purpose...

4 left

Another minute for someone else

Cheering for Fun

Fun has a fedora, Fun will prevail

They seem to not want to kill anyone

>Gongo is dual wielding hatchetts

This is getting boring

Jon has no more fun after making fun of the liberal lunatics.
>He talks about the good times

Why does this always happen in your games

Skip til end?

Let's see what happen if this doesn't go over 10 days

Only niggers skip and Blue is not one


Set on max, it's not just me

what a scare


3 left

doesn't matter, had sekcs

2 left, winner in next post

Go Tron


I mean, There's Red, and there's Blue. I don't see the issue.

that's nice of him

Your winner is Fun
