There are people who think this is wrong

there are people who think this is wrong

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We can build whatever the fuck we want, I just think it's a waste of money

could be worse, like a train system californians would never use.


Absolutely Wrong. Just ask someone from El Paso with about 30 miles of existing fence about it...oh wait!

There are people that think this will be anything other than an enormous waste of money.

The wall is just a waste of money. Most illegals come into the country by plane and overstay their visas. And then even if there was a wall, whos to say they cant dig under it. If the wall is built though, I wonder how the ecology around the wall will be. Essential animals that once were able to move around like migrating or hunting cant now...

illegal immigrants cost us money every day

Do elaborate

This will not stop illegal immigration. It might hinder it a little bit but not enough to make building a wall a good idea.

Red pill on immigration:


Pretty decent read.

Fake news


This is the only realistic answer.

$84 billion is a pittance to the $1.2 trillion they add to our economy, retard.

Faggots who are incapable of finding a boyfriend, they oppose the building of a wall so that illegal immigrants can come in and fuck their ugly unwanted buttholes.

Check em

some people want mexico to supply endless drugs and free labor

I'm really tempted to become an immigrant. Coming from Western Europe.