Any medfags know what this is...

any medfags know what this is? Every few weeks the skin on my finger starts to peel off and it leaves it looking like pic

Other urls found in this thread: disease and alzheimer's&oq=autoim alzheimer&gs_l=serp.3.0.0i7i30k1l3j0i8i7i30k1j0i8i7i10i30k1j0i8i7i30k1.12340.15081.0.16504.

Didn't your mum tell you that pointing your finger at people is rude?

you have super glue on your finger

It's a skin condition that results from over-saturation of the skin with moisturizer. You should consider switching to a traditional lubricant for your chronic masturbation rather than using a lotion.

possible dehydration
>check your diet
>highten itnake of magnesium and vitamin B.C and D
>stop use of drugs/alchohol
>consider cream for skin care

damn your girl's pussy must be toxic

get some elidel, costs about 20$ and the tube lasts for 5 months

May an autoimmune disease?

It is neither hashimoto, nor seborrhoeic dermatitis. Both don't affect the fingers. It is either neuro with the bad genes of his parents or some rare skin disease.
src: worked for skin doctor and have similar disease

Simple tip : go to the doctor

Does it bleed?

Finger Aids
cut it off

They can't help you with such diseases. Those are rare and they nearly never have a specific diagnose,

Looks like a chemical reaction. Do you touch any chemicals or use any soaps on things? Keep track of what you touch with the fingers and avoid chemicals or even things like laundry detergents. Wash you hands often.

Not OP here. I've been to a dermatologist and they told me it was seborrhoeic dermatitis but I've always been skeptical considering it seems to spread based on whether I touch my feet, or touch my face with an "infected" finger. I thought it might be fungal. I was prescribed a bunch of steroid creams since none seem to work that well... but the ones that do work are tacrolimus ointment for my face (gr8 for clogging pores btw) and triamcinolone acetonide for my fingers (I just avoid touching my feet)

It's a finger I think, idk i'm not a doctor

Also I recently moved to New Orleans for a few months from Kansas and it totally disappeared. I never had to worry about it on my face or hands. Then I moved back to Kansas and its back. Seems to get aggrivated during certain seasons. could also be a diet thing.

some fungus

Not a medfag here, but from my guess it would seem like something's wrong with the oils produced by your fingers. Judging from what user said about it depending on whether he touches his feet or face, I would take a shot in the dark and say that the oils on you two's fingers is somehow being messed up by the oils emitted by the pores on other parts of your body?

>seborrhoeic dermatitis
user I have the same and don't be cranky, but fuck. That disease is the definition of fungal infection. Did you even read the wikipedia article for it? Get ciclopirox and elidel and don't eat/drink yeast stuff

Same guy from here. You should probably listen to this guy instead. He seems like he knows a lot more about this shit.

r u kidn me, my body is a yeast infection i love cheese

TBH when it breaks out I feel like peeling of my face. It is hell and people without that disease don't know how good they have it. Usually smoking, drinking and stress induce a paroxysm. But if you have it, you should get checked for alzheimer, since both go hand in hand.

I sometimes get the same thing, often when I touch shitty stranded copper wire. But also on almost my whole hand for no reason a few weeks ago.

Light metal poisoning.

In that case, I could possibly be right. I know it's not a good idea to post contact info on here, but contact me on Skype at qerwtr546, and I can try to help you guys out

Guy that posted the second set of photos here. What about alzheimers? I looked it up and couldn't find any relation. r u trolln?

I have it too. It's atopic dermatitis. Something is irritating your skin, usually something you're allergic to. You get little round blistered splits on your hands and then it gets progressively worse until the skin is thin enough to bleed. Moisturize, avoid soaking your hands, avoid touching things like dust or dirt, avoid rough surfaces, common hand soaps and alcohol sanitizers, and ask your doctor for a topical steroid.

snake-itis my brother had it got worse as he got older now he sheds all his skin once a week even his dick skin

That is the nature of autoimmune diseases. As I said earlier in this thread, neuro, hashi and sebo are the most common diseases. All those fuck up the immune system and let the body attack its own cells (the rash is the most prominetn feature). disease and alzheimer's&oq=autoim alzheimer&gs_l=serp.3.0.0i7i30k1l3j0i8i7i30k1j0i8i7i10i30k1j0i8i7i30k1.12340.15081.0.16504.

You sound like someone trying to sell me alternative cures.

I was offering to help with looking shit up so that they could get their problem solved faster but okay

I like help, but I don't like random skype people. Tell us here, since we have a lot of people having that disease, it seems like.

I don't know the disease. Like I said, I was offering to help look things up to make the process go faster. My idea of what it could be, if you actually read my previous posts, is that the oils in their fingertips are somehow wrong in some way


Have you tried a doctor? I heard they are pretty good at the medical stuff.

Sorry user, that thread was already a downer, so I don't wan't to talk bad to you. Those diseases are genetic. There is no cure, only alleviation. It is like asthma

Hi i'm PH. D., as i can see i could diagnose it as a: "finger", but im not sure, would need more pics to give you detailed info.

most likely a kind of fungus. cut sugar and simple carbs from your diet, change bed sheets weekly and rub your face, feet and hands with apple vinegar daily before bed to kill off the fungus.

Same shit has started happening to me also