





So we're doing cows?





But... There's so many more horse to post.

Going to go through my cow folder first then go through my shark folder






Yay, more horses to go in my horse folder :)
Please post more horses if you can.




You've been around them a lot longer than I have. My doggo will jump on your shoulders, and stick her ass in your face when she's in heat. I don't know if that's normal, but it's amusing nonetheless.




Yeah, some do that some don't.






Now that's just "utterly" ridiculous










But I already posted most of those horses.

I probably shouldn't mention in this thread since I know some people get bothered by it, but I guess I'm an official dogfucker now.



That's cool.




Yep. This was the first time I truly had sex with her. It was really nice. She was very happy after I relieved her, and went right to sleep. Doggos are the best.

sorry, thought you just got on and were looking for horses lol

That would be all my cow stuff



Its fine :)

Thats it for all my cow stuff as well

Speaking of cows I once saw this picture with 4-5 cow girls in a stall locked in a bent over position, milk extractors on their tits, humans came and fucked them regularly to keep the milk flowing. Anyone seen this? I would he eternally grateful if it could he posted. Cool thread I dont see many hot girls based on cows

damn, well keep the stuff, im diamonds atm

Mine is always super hyper after. Running around, licking, throwing shoes in the air, stuff like that.


I'm pretty sure i have this, might take me a while to find though

Shark next? or does anyone have any requests?

mouse or lizard, or shark, whatever...

Enough steak... Time to eat that steak instead!

Let the dragon posting commence!

now that's more like it, keep it cuming

I'm a fan of knotting and anal pics like if you'd be up for posting that.



I'll see what I can find :)

Don't really have much of either, sorry.

I have tons of dragons (and a few sharks), though!







Damn those are nice.







Hang on, are we doing dragons, sharks, sneks or any combination of the three right now... I can't tell, because it looks like you guys are posting all three...

These too




Want to do dragons? I was looking through those folders for anything related to this request










