Prove to me that old Sup Forums isn't dead

Prove to me that old Sup Forums isn't dead.

Caturday Thread

Post some fucking CATS!


Help me, my Sup Forumsrethren.


Is Sup Forums really nothing but a porn sharing site now?



Bring in the cats!

have fun xD



"Wow! Didja see that?"


this my favourite smug cat lads



The coolest cat I've ever had. Loves to chase mice and stuff outside, but total lap cat when he's indoors.

Revive Caturday, if you can.



Eeeey lets goooo


Strange looking catto.






Btw thats my cats AFTER fucking

>my cats AFTER fucking
how hard did you fucked your cats?

You sitting around watching cat sex?
>might need a hobby.

Poorfag reporting in.



No,I was playing Pc when the Fuckers began,This is a common occurence.

I lol'd.



It's dangerous to go alone, here take this.

nah Nah NAh NAH





Are we done here?

I hope he didn't =\

I'm at a lose for words. I thought escalated quickly. And then it quickly escalated.

Old Sup Forums is dead.


My cat is a little slow. Here is a close up of his cute little face.


I think your cat has autism

I hate to see Caturday hanging on by a thread.
> I bow out now.

I took him to the vet and they told me that he would only live for a week, but he just turned 48 three days ago. He can do tricks too.

My cat!





I have a cat. But I dont like him very much.
I like dogs more but im stuck with this ginger fuck.


Old Sup Forums


>old Sup Forums

caturday was never a thing on old Sup Forums dude thats some 2012 shit cancerfag

cancer was never a thing on old Sup Forums retard

Go away! Batin'!

He's handsome user