Has this man caused more butthurt than anyone else in human history?

Has this man caused more butthurt than anyone else in human history?

Yes, he gives anal pains to the whole universe. Feel the anal discomfort.

My anus clenched as I read that.... what the fuck

No, that'd be Jesus. The greatest troll man kind has ever seen.

only to dems crybabies

>Feel the anal discomfort.
that should have been his campaign slogan

It only looks that way because you're now of the age where you're paying attention to news.

yes but it is of our own doing.

whatever triggered the french revolution was probably worse

Hail Lord Trump

im pretty sure genghis khan raped more butt holes then trump

pretty sure Vlad the Impaler caused the most butthurt.


Something tells me you're in high school, wear a lot of black and think katanas are cool


It just seems that way right now because for most of your young life liberals have gotten their way. They always freak the fuck out like this when things don't go exactly how they want them to. They freaked out almost as badly when George W Bush got elected, and they freaked out worse when Reagan got elected.

It only seems worse now because the media wasn't a failing industry back then and new organizations at least pretended to have a modicum of journalistic integrity. Now they hire a lot of people who, while well-educated, aren't very competent and couldn't work in any other industry. In turn they've decided to make the news more about their personal politics than about the truth.

Idk it's him Colbert or Leslie Jones

Nah, the media have. He's just doing what he said he would and it's why he got voted in.

Clinton faggots still can't let it go

Hitler annoyed a few people

So did Stalin

>Fucking this.
The man can't blow his nose without the faggy libcuck media freaking out about him not using their preferred brand of tissues that they use to sop up the nigger cum off their wife's bloated front butts.

>He's just doing what he said he would

Possibly and it is fabulous. The hypocrisy is absurd, Maoist and Trotskyites who have never had a job hate him. They even organise protests on their iphones.

Hitler did not butthurt as many people while he was alive. Americans didn't even know why they were fighting him

>This man causes a rightist butthurt every time his name is so much as whispered.

Fucking hardly. Get on Andrew Jackson's level

americans shit brix when the c word is mentioned

Needed an out cause national depression sucks. Turns out nuking chinks is profitable. No Amerifats gave a fuck about hitler back in the day

oldfag here and your first point is bullshit. Yeah liberals didn't like Reagan and yeah they hated Bush but they didn't *literally* cry, scream and roll around on the ground when bush was "elected". Trump is on a new level.

But I agree about the media.

No, but he certainly knows how to capitalize on it.