Oldfag thread

Oldfag thread

Come in if you
- agree that Sup Forums isn't Sup Forums anymore
- would raid 9fag no matter why and when
- love cats
- annoyed by all that fucking pron
- don't want Sup Forums like it was before but better than it is now
- think that the first 5 points are pathetic bullshit

Answer 3 questions:
1. What do you hate most about Sup Forums nowadays?
2. What was the best pic/post you've seen in the last 6 months on Sup Forums?
3. Not a question but: Post a picture that describes Sup Forums

how does one spot a virgin?

2-the fappening


1. Basically everything. Traps? What the fucking gay fuck. Wwyd and IG/FB threads, all the shit porn. It's all terrible and needs to be eliminated. Waifu claiming? Again wtf don't they have their own board or something for that shit.

2. I can't even tell you because I haven't seen anything decent.

3. Pic: Sup Forums is kim. b is kanye

>love cats
gtfo faggot

newfag spotted

Fucking traps man. I hate that gay shit.


The last picture killed me

I hate all the porn, traps and fb/wwyd bullshit and fur.
Not bigoted against what people are or like, just, no fuckin need for it all.

Last six months. Catfishing a lad who tried to suck his dick, someone got his dox and messaged all the pictures to his mother.

1-everything traps,porn and no raids
3-a black men in the kkk representing what most newfags are just a bunch of normies trying to get in where they do not belong

we should make a concentrated effort to spiderman trap thread since wincest is no longer a thing
>pic a date
>give newfags spiderman .jpg
>trap belong in /lgbt/, like ponies in /mlp/
>flood trap thread till they are nolonger a thing

a small legion of anons will be needed


Haven't seen coolface, haven't seen anyone who doesn't afraid of anytihng, havn't seen fbf, havn't seen our queen
Sup Forums sucks now

Im in.

>it was inevitable

this generation and technology, the homo acceptance, widespread social media, etc.

but that just makes it even more rewarding when you do find a nice little thread between all the cock rate, trap and banana threads

gotta see the silver lining, always, and your life will improve dramatically

1)The fucking American politics.
2)We had Yotsuba explore Sup Forums which was fun

I've tried to do exactly that. Along with Sup Forums tier threads because once shareable takes root this place will truly be lost. Sadly these newfags come here for gay fapping and reply to obvious b8.
New plan. Wreck trap threads with high quality rekt gore


turquoise idol is supreme

Doesn't work, they just splinter off

I'm sure their are many anons that feel the same way we do but I'm horrible at organizing

A legion won't be enough, we need 100 legions


1. Sup Forums has too many fluffy abuse threads, that shit is fucking aids.
2. Nothing. Literally nothing on this board has been good for 6 months.
3. Here's your pic OP

Me too

Me too

They may be a bit weird but there's like only 1-3 of them

I get tired of all the furry threads. Keep that shit on tumblr. Pic related on describing Sup Forums

why not both spiderman and gore

Im in where and when

Me too

per day



Me too


Me too

Found one

Beats surfing through porn threads, with 100 a day


I'm in. Let's do this shit.

What I want is JapMoot to stop making us solve all these shitty recaptchas all the time just to try to force us to buy stupid fucking Passes.

Thanks so much for selling out to JapMoot, Moot; you were a gigantic faggot before that, and you're an order of magnitude MORE of a faggot now for having done that. KYS, Moot, and MEMO TO JAPMOOT: Quit making Sup Forums MORE CANCEROUS than it already was.

wait we still need
>OC memes
>set date
>moar anons

better off making a thread for this porpuse and recruit moar anons

I don't mind the occasional trap/fluffy/whatever the fuck thread. I just want them to congregate to one fucking thread. There's like 4 superior BBC fucking threads at a time, 6 trap threads, and hardly any quality threads being posted on first page.

Ok ok won't go apeshit now

nigger spotted

Count me in. Trapcancer is cancer

by a very narrow margin

1. All the newfags and Sup Forums non stop shit posting to kill this board.
2. The new refrigerator body post

>White kids trying to be something they're not

this thread has a link to the chatroom where me and other anons are trying to get fidget spinners banned

Let this date we attack known as the Sup Forumslitz

That's 1 - 3 too many

I hate trap/cuck threads equally. Pic related is the only way to describe /b

>nu sjw user base
>see pic related

Should be specific gore. Like dick gore.


theres the 'anti-trap greek' user in pol , kek

>so, broanons what you think if we push :slapback: as a new cool fad ?

1. Fluffy abuse, IG FB /soc/ shit, WWYD cuck threads
2. I don't remember when but it was about advicing everyone to cut contact with Sup Forums, saying here be only a slow suicide. Pretty good reflection on how here's the "devil's toilet" and remind that there's no useful discussion here ever.
3. Sup Forums is the employee, Sup Forums is on the line

Why irc tho

Hi, newfag here. Dont know what old /b was like... but i dream of a day when even I can experience the true glory of Sup Forums.. so fuck them trap/cock/IG-FB threads straight back to hell

>Let this date we attack known as the Sup Forumslitz
Because its easy and someone already made the channel

Itd be funny to see videos of retards doing it, but how tf you gonna make that look cool? Itd have to be a cause of some sort.

you are welcome but listen and learn... Except you have some fucked up thoughts then just say it

yeah , some sjw challenge , slap whitey or
:slapback for slavery: for sjw to do
idk ..... something needed troll traps n sjw

>slapback for slavery

Because you shit up their threads, and while you're fagging about in that one they go make another thread to avoid you, much like people in real life treat you.

yeah .... ^^

I think it woulda been better back in February, black history month n all.

you do know there is a search function in the catalog

Found the trapfag

:slapback for slavery: the backlash that oppresive whites brought on themselves and turned black into crime niggers

we can combine with the :diversity in rap: meme cooking just now , that niggers can be white too , so a white is a "nigga brother"

$18 piss-oven variety topping lose job pizza.

You niggers wouldn't do it anyways.

What does that have to do with shitposters forcing cancer to make multiple threads to post the content they want?

pools closed

lets make a thread for the discussion of
>#OP name
>OC memes
>general discourse

and finally deal with trap fags, I'm horrible at making threads can some other user do it

just brainstUrming user , could do with ANY excuse to have them self flagellate like thart

im sure i can do it better than yoo

You sure are a faggot.

irc.freenode.net #revivalchan
we are already discussing that stuff

why dont you try to do a backslap and show us what a tuff guy yiu are instead of mouthing off like a bish, hm

How about you stop sucking dick.


That's literally a Chris Chan tier meme. Jesus Christ


Show your face Chris. Also Sonics arms are white


>Answer 3 questions:
>1. What do you hate most about Sup Forums nowadays?

It's all porn. We have porn boards for this shit. Where the fuck is my loli board?

>2. What was the best pic/post you've seen in the last 6 months on Sup Forums?

found some decent shit in a loli thread
pic related. Sup Forums is only good for porn now

>3. Not a question but: Post a picture that describes Sup Forums

Piss for equality worked. #slapback4slavery can work. Obviously need a better slapback pic, not a bra pad.


>All the newfags and Sup Forums non stop shit posting to kill this board.

Sup Forums is the real fucking cancer on all of Sup Forums

also true. we should fight back as hard as we can, every fucking day

Prototype #2

Needs to be a more relatable item, something every faggot got laying around. The fuck is that anyways?

It just looked gnarly lol. Its a pill packer.

who me ? i dont do that shit man i just rolled a spliff
> fuck off fag


1. This thread.
2. Some dude fucking himself.
3. Nuthing more than a bunch of gay retards.

You can't roll for shit.

how do we give