I'm genuinely surprised she didn't become popular here on this board, what gives /co?

I'm genuinely surprised she didn't become popular here on this board, what gives /co?

Poison Ivy as a Deer?

Furry trash.



Sup Forums has no taste

But why?



>Making established characters into furry trash
>"Woah, I'm surprised this never picked up!"
Go back to /trash/

Cat Woman ..... a mice

The artist must think he's some sort of clever genius huh?

I can fap to furry but that doesn't mean I will fap to every furry

Rat, actually.

That ain't our Ivy.
Human Ivy > Furry Ivy

I do not find snouts attractive.

this p much

Is this the Pokémon Gen 8 fully-evolved grass starter?


Because she's a deer, and deer's a shit.

Should been a fox.

Hans Solo

Sup Forums has easily been the furriest board on Sup Forums over the past decade. Anyone who isn't a beer at knows this.

Am I a beer at?

Putting aside the dumb 'she's actually a rat!' gimmick I actually quiet like this design.



dat Ivy doe

I think it's rather clever. What else should she be?

>Catwoman = Rat
>Ivy = Deer
>Harley = Cat

What are Cheetah, Killer Frost, Giganta, and Livewire?


Killer Frost is a white rabbit.


>Killer frost = arctic fox most likely
>Livewire = squirrel or mouse maybe? Likely to be a Pokémon reference
>Cheetahwoman = a.... human?

Cheetah is a Jaguar

it says Rubberduck.

Cheetah could be a mongoose. Still fast.

Human Ivy's better, and I say that as a degenerate furry fanboy.

>generic attractive female body type, no exaggeration for effect
>no creativity on the clothes, just "Eve in a children's book" foliage covering
>weird veins in her stick horns
>gradient shading

I mean, I guess in the same way a human dressing as a cat is a gimmick. If she was a cat who put on a cat suit and called herself Catwoman it'd be like if the normal Catwoman wore a human suit and called herself Humanwoman.

What about Manwoman

Are they actually split vertically like that or is that drawing just symbolic? Because that's just lazy.

My heart belongs to only one rat

So did cat Harley and deer Ivy happen in a comic or what? I need to know what to search for on paheal.


cat harley did happen but i can't remember the name

Harleycat did.

Deerivy was something that Sup Forums came up with just a few days ago, when talking about the Harleycat comic. You might be able to find the thread in the archives, as it wasn't that long ago.

Global Rule 3.
We are relaxed about it on Sup Forums but we don't flaunt it. Don't be an ass.

So no porn. Never mind, then. Fuck if I care about character bullshit when I could be jacking off to a hot redhead deer furry.

does it have a penis next to a vagina?
if they meet another man woman can they jigsaw puzzle together or what???

Actually split. In the comic Heshe turns to one side or the other to make people think they're different people.

is it good to bump?

Human-male/furry-female is so rare, but also the purest.

>Furry shit
>Still alive

Are the mods sleeping or something?

I need much, much more information.

t. deer liker

I can't believe how fucking triggered I am over Cat Harley's fur pattern.

Also why do furry Ivy and Selina have human hair when Harley does not.

I really like that dialogue for some reason. She's so used to the reaction she has a smooth comeback prepared.

A few days ago, someone posted some comics where Harley was turned into a cat and she ate the Joker's face. A drawfag showed up and made neat art.
I feel like OP's hoping to summon more art.

The artist goes by Siden if you want to find more of his stuff.

>weeb trash in Sup Forums is ok
>furry is not ok in this fucking board about fucking western cartoons

weebs are the reason God hates us.

>not liking furry
nigger what are you doing?

Feels a bit under-Cooke'd
Let me fix that.

Why only furry women? Is it because it's fetishes like ?

because nobody cares for males except for barafags

But what about how it would work with Barbara being a furry but Gordon not?

I think this is genuinely clever.

Question. How do you have half a vagina?

Half a hole is still a hole.

t. TJ "Henry" Yoshi

What are we - some shithead furries with diapers on some fox dick fetish?



It's good, but it just doesn't look anything like Catwoman, really.


That's how you know a Catwoman is shit.

My man.

literally yes.

About as clever as an Jap dressing up as a Dindu before robbing a store.

>cats are stereotyped as thiefs


These all would honestly be fine if they weren't all bipedal, or at least drawn to look like they stand up to battle and act like normal animals outside of it. Sorta the way I see Feraligatr and Typhlosion from GSC.

I like the tiger's look though.

There's something really off about that image, like it was traced over a poser image.

I thought so as well.

this guy's artstyle is the definition of uncanny valley

the guy actually DOES use 3D models, he makes the models and poses them then colors over them, also he's color blind

So what animal is Batman in this scenario?

if Ivy is a doe then Selina should be a cat if we are sticking with the theme, and Harley should have been a Hyena or Jackal.
I understand the mouse-pretending-to-be-a-cat seems clever but its so obvious it loses its cleverness. especially for just fanfic art

Human because

i understand using stuff like designdoll and daz3d for basic body shapes that you can trace over

but if he made a full on 3d model of each thing he draws, why not just post them instead?

What theme?

>hate furries
>but think rat-catwoman is cute

Just let it wash over you.

It's completely fine to hate furries.

It's also completely natural to want to fuck anthro-women.

>liking rats

Now we know why Selina is always stealing gold and jewels.


>moved to Sup Forums instead of /trash/ which is /fur/ 2.0

mods what the fuck are you doing

>thread moved instead of deleted
Sup Forums mods confirmed furries

Oh that was a neat read. Actually got me to feel bad for the old guy.

>Sup Forums mods confirmed furries

it was Sup Forums related, they shouldn't have touched it at all

they just didn't delete it to avoid the consequences

>>thread moved instead of deleted
Probably because it's civil enough it wasn't breaking rules.
Probably because there was no out and out furry porn even if the undertones are there, so again skimming the rules

I for one thank our based mod for knowing the difference between recycling and throwing out trash.

Furshit is against Sup Forums rules, isn't it?

>Furshit is against Sup Forums rules

nobody can define what furshit is

It was a naked poison ivy deer.

It's bluntly furry.

she's not really naked, not as much as cat Harley herself which was literally IN a comic

>it was Sup Forums related
Tangentially. Posting fan work in a thread about official material is one thing, making a thread for fan work, fan work specifically geared around anthro specifically, is another.

Under your guidelines someone could just start making threads about Sup Forums characters in diapers and handwave it as generally board related. Don't even try to dismiss that as slippery slope fallacy, because /aco/ literally has a thread up right now for just that sort of thing. Give an inch etc.

Thread wasn't abut Harley though was it?