Be me homeless need a place to stay

>be me homeless need a place to stay
>old best friend's older sister from childhoos reaches out to me & gives me a place to stay
>I work got enough money to move out but she pisses me off in the process
>a month and a half later(present time) I'm fed up
>get in an argument and sent her these text messages
>I'm in the next room right by her
>am I going to jail?
I'm paranoid

ungrateful swine gtfo of her home

she wants to be upfront.n be disrespectful well I finally gladly returned the favor. haven't seen her face or talked to her yet.

I know this is like blackmail but shit she's literally subhuman. And yes I fucked her tons of times alrdy. She really wanta friends and is rlly anti-social

Yes she helped me but fuck I can't take ot anymore

Naw dude. There is literally zero reason for you to go to jail. If she cals the cops they'll be frustrated with her. She won't gp to jail either but they'll remember her bullshit

she's giving you a place to stay stop being a picky douche

Sounds like a nigger

gonna need to see her butthole before knowing what to think of all this.
also trip zips.

kys, you ungrateful subhuman.
get back to the ditch where you belong

You're a piece of fucking garbage dude. You deserve to be homeless and starve being that ungrateful and treating someone who has let you into their home that way.

she's real disrespeftul and jumps to conclusions in her mind to fight about something. She watches cartoons all day and says dumb irrelevant shit. she's 28. She wants me to man up
Well I did and told that hoe to stfu.

here's earlier texts


op you are really such a fag, why are you so angry at her ?

+ beta because you send long texts to a bitch

I see absolutely nothing disrespectful or hateful coming from her side...
You are just a stuck-up asshole!
Move out and live under a brigde again

>Not even tryna fite
>sends walls of insulting texts

Be grateful she's letting you stay at her house. And if you're not grateful, move out or just be fucking homeless again, simple.

You sound like a precious snowflake that can't handle any real world problems. Also nobody wants to put up with a trashy, loud-mouthed, disrespectful, selfish, manipulative cunt.

Beta as fuck

Op seems like a yuge faggot



hes just some dude who bosses around weak women and thinks he's "alpha". real little man syndrome imo, dude sounds like he would probably never pick a fight anyone bigger than him

Exactly. It's one thing to be a manlet, but being a whiny, bitchy manlet is world-class beta.

OP where you @

dam dude you're a savage

Nice trips
You're with a crazy bitch, grab what you can and dip. She'll fuck your life up because she's bored. Got coworkers you can crash with OP? ANy other friends?

Wow you are a fucking retard OP. Leave her fucking house you useless piece of shit.

I gotta wait for a couple things in the mail to arrive before I can leave.

Im not even objecting to what u guys say. I'm sick of this nonsensical arguments n objectionst. call me beta call me shitty
Cal me weak. I don't give a fuck anymore I'm being me and dealing with my problems. I don't condone harassment and shit flinging even if u open ur home to me. I use this against her bcuz I've tried being articulate and never taking my anger out on her. But she is too disrespectful and I ttied letting her know not before to cross the line but she keeps on trying to manipulate me and acts like a dumb fucking nigger.

Well bitch wants to have a nigger attitude? Guess what. You fucking got it. Str8 the fuck up. Like I told her.

Be a man and live on your own. If you had the means and chose not to this is the cause of your own headaches. Quit being a drama queen and up and leave.


for the record i didn't say any of those things about you. still didn't get to see her butthole though

.... Op is a loser.
Sage if you agree.

Dude you need to take this shit to tumblr or somewhere else where you'll get support for being a trashy piece of shit. There is no excuse to act this way. If you don't like the way she treats you, it's a simple fix: pack your shit and get the fuck out of her house. Instead, you stick around, fuck her, mooch off of her, get mad at her for most likely being mad at you for being a fucking mooch, then threaten to blackmail her because you had your feelings hurt. You should kill yourself m8

>telling secrets you don't want told
Your own fault faggot

Who gives a shit if you've fucked, and your not going to jail, but test those who help you but be on the streets with respect you faggy fuck boi

>person allows them into their house in the time of needs
>op is ungrateful and is an asshole
i feel bad for that chick tbh

Sorry, autocorrect.

Be nice to those who help you not be on the streets you ungrateful faggy fuck

Oh god this better be fake


Sounds like she helped you because she liked you.
Sounds like you text like you're an actual nigger.

You should go ahead and do her the favor of leaving without saying anything at all.
Especially before you knock her up and become the generic "that aint my mixed baby" nigger kind of deal.
I really feel for you OP.
You only think she's subhuman.
But that appears to be you.

ofc it is, who the fuck outside the internet use "Butthurt"

>spreading your faggot tier drama all over /b
post your itty bitty titties or gtfo bitch

>being disrespectful to someone who took your homeless ass in
you should've left the moment she "was pushing my buttons" even if you didn't have enough money

now you have money and are still lingering around forcing the people around you to resort to passive agressive hints as to you needing to GTFO already, but you wont take the hint and want to burn the bridge that lead you to presumably a decent life

fucking ungrateful degenerate sack of shit.


You came here for validation, but you're a fucking retard and it seem like you got some problems homie. Not the girl

This kid sounds like a beta nigger. Literally, he has the grammar of a nigger, and he also sounds like a sad little beta bitch.


The girl is coming off as the "good guy" here.

This poor fucking retard doesn't even realize he just made himself look like a goofy ignorant douche.

He also sounds like a nigger.

I also want to see bitthole op.
We gave advice. Now hook us up boi.

Looks like this thread didn't go the way you planned, did it OP?

>go to lawyer

>tell him malicious prosecution

>let him take care of the rest

Seriously. Everyone needs to know these two fucking words!


I'm 6'3 and I never talk to.anybidy like this or blackmailed or done anything like this. But its time to be a man. let her knoe

Your dumb ass took 40 minutes to write a blackmail text and she didn't even reply to your previous drama before.

This is pathetic OP.

Okay so you're a tall pussy. You really showed your prowess by belittling the chick who let you into her home. Kek

My title and my credit card are on the way
I can't just leave my car title and money here u fucking dumbass. she's crazy.

>ITT: Black guy summons white knights

>OP = faggot
>trips confirm


point to where you made violent threats and ill point to where you broke the law.

but you see, no violent threats were made, so go fuck yourself you faggot ass gay ass wannabe thug OP, you did not break the law and aren't going to fucking jail for family drama you low life faggot

"She's a few feet away, but I'm too much of a coward to have an adult discussion in person."

You sound ghetto.

The things you've shown dont like grounds for jail time. Doesnt mean someone could make some shit up.

What id suggest so you feel good about yourself later on (and shit isnt made up) is do something that says "thank you for giving me somewhere to sleep when I was down on my luck".

this OP.

come on. you are a pussy. she gave you shelter and pussy with no strings attached man.

why are you so ungrateful

trips, gotta do it now faggot

You are trash and didn't deserve to be taken in, obviously. How are you so short sighted to get into petty emotional arguments like this shit? Grow the fuck up.

you're fucking autistic homie, she helped you out the least you can do is deal with her shit. theres a reason you were homeless to begin with you degenerate fuck

Act like a nigger you will be a nigger. If shes a dumb cunt, let her be a dumb cunt. Sometimes the only way to win is to not play.

The world needs less people like you in it, you'd be doing everybody a favor by just drinking bleach or slitting your wrists or overdosing. Ungrateful faggots like you need their skulls driven over. You would have been better off homeless sleeping in a ditch sucking cock for money. You existing is only a burden on other people, please kill yourself you fucking pussy. I wish she'd call the cops and get you arrested for harassment.

OP bls respong

In continuation- you never hold anything over someone's head that they told you in confidence. It is one of the lowest, cheapest things a person can do & can never be taken back.

Whatever those things were, not our business, this is something she's coping with. It's medicinal to say these thighs outloud & to know someone is listening.

I'm not saying she's a good person. I'm saying that you can do better, like all of us. If you don't get along with someone, politely go your separate ways. Don't talk trash, people will see you as the trashy one.

And the legality of it all- if you do not pay rent (on paper, always pay in check!!!) then she can demand you leave & you must leave immediatly. If you pay in check, or have a paper trail of payments, you legally have 30 days to vacate (assuming USA).

Being a man doesnt mean being an aggressive ignorant faggot aware of only others flaws and completely ignoring a massive favor and immense trust thrown their way.

being a man doesnt mean being a bitch.

Being a man means achknowledging a favor, returning it, extending trust back, ignoring glaring flaws that do not effect you, and generally being a decent person.

Your text read like you're a nigger. Fuckin free loader.

Not a cool nigger, like samuel l. Jackson, but a faggot, like steve harvey.

This is how you treat someone who put a roof over your head because they felt bad for you?

Also, a bit more-

I'm assuming that b/e you were homeless that you either have poor credit or no credit. You can't go apartment/home/loft/flat searching & move in the same day. Not unless you know someone renting a house out (my situation, less than 24 hrs. Shit was a blessing).

Finding somewhere worth living is like a full time job. Seriously.

OP looking over his thread like

trips of trooth
devil trips none the less

What the hell did she even do to you?

You're being mean and spiteful

But for real though, this is how you treat someone who took you in when you needed it? Jesus Christ. If this is the best "you" you can be, be someone else.

>it's time to be a man
>which involves blackmail and acting like a little bitch who can't handle his problems otherwise

Ugh. Blacks.

he's clearly mentally ill
stupid faggot has serious paranoia and insecurity issues

Where did you go OP? Where is the picture of her butthole? Have you killed yourself yet?

He got kicked out, she changed wifi password. No data on his prepaid phone.