

this is alright, prob made by newfags, the Sup Forums and video games parts r really cringeworthy

Should've shot up his workplace

Should have been fapping to trap porn for added realism.

oh god this is so cringeworthy

I wish we could go back to the days when nobody knew what the fuck Sup Forums was

the comment section is awful, some people asking about Sup Forums, some r stupid memes from ifunny

wtf is this shit made by buzzfeed?

This is so realistic it's almost painful. I've been lucky enough to get out of that cycle of hell soon enough, but I still got some bros who's life is very much this.

we should raid the comments. or buzzfeed

What part of don't talk about Sup Forums did the faggots not understand.


This is why nothing good lasts. Fuck you. Fuck, you.

I was waiting for someone to post this.

I believe buzzfeed has characterized Sup Forums users, males in particular, as beta. Of course this is probably because they see this site as a collection of mysoginistic assholes, and decide do portray them as "beta" males who are incapable to relate with the opposite sex, and most likely to be angsty, social inepts.

I think they did a realistic portray. Yet in a fucked up kind of way. There is no hope for us, they seem to imply.

>Published on May 28, 2017
Die in a fire.

Bumping because BuzzFeed

I'm unsure as to whether they are trying to say "oh wow, the society really fucks people up, this shit is bad"

or if it's just

"lol what a loser, right guys?"

It is almost like they noticed all of the valid arguments against their bullshit and set up a stawman and characterized all of the people who criticized them as these cringy faggots who do not know how to live life.

>currently sans job
>vomits all over keyboard

every day god moves further from us

