B/tards... In mah feels

B/tards... In mah feels
I feel like a failure as a father.
I love my kids. I hate being mean or harsh on them. But daddy ain't rasing no entitled SJWs either. Im old school. I spank or give em a quick upside the head but don't beat them.

I want them to have responsibility and have respect. No matter what I do Im the bad guy. It feels like Im losing them. Maybe I am being too selfish but I don't want to push them away so that when they are grown they never come to visit.
What do?

Self bumpity

I'm not a father, so what the fuck do I know.

When I was young, I thought my father was a dick. But as a kid, I didn't understand what it meant to be responsible and self-reliant.

I think the best thing you can do is give them responsibility for important things or things they want to do. Cutting the lawn was a big deal for me as a kid. I imagine for some kids, taking care of a dog could be the first real responsibility, so they can learn how their actions can make their lives better.

I didn't have a good relationship with my dad until I turned drinking age.

You are retarded for thinking of them as owing you something. They literally owe you nothing, and your expectations of it are the whole problem. When you learn to just think of them as other people then you can have a healthy relationship.

> I teach my kids that they have to do what I want because I am stronger than them
>I expect them to respect me because I can force them to

Yeah I suppose raising good humans is a measure of success. But I also don't want to miss out on these years with them.
I have messed up plenty, nothing illegal, just learning to be a dad over and over.

Not quite. It's not about respecting only me. Each other and others too. And yes doing what I want in the sense of teaching them lessons not forcing them to do shit chores bc I am lazy.

Give your children responsibility.

Do not mock your children.

These are lessons I learned after growing up.
The worst part is when I think about it I would be that parent I fucking hated as a kid.
I wouldn't let my kids have internet, or cell phones. Kids are dumb, and I know that I feel like kids need to be able to make the same mistakes their fathers did to learn from them, but I don't think the internet is appropriate for anyone under 14.
You need to expose your children to things young enough to not fuck them in adult hood at first exposure, but not too young. It's a fine line.

And giving your children responsibility isn't chores.
It's things like guns, cars, etc etc. things they need to maintain, that they appreciate, and need to be careful with. Having to mow the lawn every sunday isn't responsibility, it's just an obligation.
Having to repair their own bicycle is responsibility.
A pet isn't responsibility either, because the burden will just fall back onto you, a kid will never treat an animal properly.
But I do believe it's your responsibility as a parent to expose your children to pet ownership. Pets are great, I'd almost call it child abuse to not own a dog while they're in elementary school. And I feel bad for the dogs because children are rough on animals. But dogs can take it, they're really something else.

never had a father cuz he left when i was still a babbie
mom was never there cuz work and grandmas' job was to see me not die being a dumb shit kid, and when she was home i remember hating mom for not letting me do stuff and always pushing me to make my homework and memorizing school stuff, guess what? that wasn't a good thing for our relation and i still hated her till i was done with highschool
Now i'm in college studying electronic engineering and looking back she did try her best but just didn't know how
We do get along now but i'm in that point of "would i really come back and visit her once i'm done?" idk i don't really get that feel

Only be an asshole when they're being little shits. If they're being little shits and over the age of 10 then be an asshole. When they're older they'll thank u for it.

The world you're preparing them for is dying and won't be around when they're adults. The only thing you're doing is imparting a completely useless thought process on them.

Your kids need to learn how to make choices for themselves. Stop making them for them.

It's a tough balance. You don't want to be too strict so that they hate you. But you have to push them a bit or they turn out bad.

I didn't like my dad much when I was young but when I was done high school we got along better. We get along great now and play golf together all the time.

I have a friend whose dad let him do basically anything as a kid. No boundaries, no chores, let him stay out as late as he wanted, no expectations. Which I'm sure was fun as a teenager. But he didn't amount to much, to say the least.

> When they're older they'll thank u for it.

The ultimate parental delusion. They just hate you for it, nothing else.

>What do?
Don't take parenting advice from fucking btards for starters.

says the 12 year old

In the near future the values of of the early 1900's will be more important today than the values of the late 20th century.
Collapsing global economies, wealth equalization, the dismantling of traditional debt slavery, the destruction of the 9-5 job, the destruction of liveable wages, the destruction of tight knit communities, the destruction of retirement, the destruction of cheap energy in favor of lobbied "clean" energy rather than logical nuclear energy, the destruction of home ownership, the destruction of the nuclear family, the destruction of western culture, the destruction of consumerism, the dismantling of capitalism.
It's all going to lead to a very hands on, DIY likfestyle. You won't be able to take your car to a mechanic, you will need to know how to fix it yourself, if you're lucky enough to own one. You won't be able to call a plumber to fix your broken spigot.

There is a push for ubanization, but that is coming with gentrification. Unless you're in the upper class
>spoiler, the majority of the population isn't
You'll have to live outside of cities. It's going to be a rough life. If you don't have atleast a handymans knowledge and ability in the blue collar trades you're going to be fucked worse than a single old woman is today.

The tighter you grip the more they slip

Literally everything in that is wrong. The advancement of technology is going to make all of that redundant. Due to that kids today are going to inherit a world with far more options than before, they need to learn how to make their OWN choices in order to be successful.

Also, no one will own a car because more and more people want public transportation and are sick of having to drive everywhere.

Father of three here -

Teenage boy & Two younger daughters

Dont hit your kids. Teaching them violence the answer is just outright wrong.

Internet isnt for children. My children wont be on the internet by themselves until they support themselves. My teenage boy doesnt have access to any games online, and all web usage he has is monitored closely. You can be strict and still be their 'friend'.

Honestly must feel like a crapshoot. Looking back while I didn't have a bad relationship with my parents I couldn't understand why they were so strict. Looking back, while I'm not necessarily grateful they were strict, I can understand they were doing the best they could and only doing what they thought would help me be successful.

You're fucking your older kid out of useful knowledge that comes with a broad understanding of and familiarity of the internet.

>closing him off from a resource that's mandatory for his future success.

KYS, seriously.

Get off the internet, stop hitting your kids, and talk to them like a fucking adult. Jesus Christ, you're raising people that hate you for a reason.

You realize by closing them off from the internet you're going to stunt their growth compared to their peers?

You're the faggot who'll raise a communist beta cuck and a feminazi sjw whore. If kids owe their parents nothing then why do we pay for their food, water, and housing? Why the fuck do we have parents at all? Just kick em out into the ghetto; they're just other people. They both died because of a heroin addiction? Who cares, we didn't have expectations of them anyways. You are a complete waste of a person and you should not have children.

This. I really disliked my dad when I was younger, especially in highschool. But looking back (23 now) I realize he was correct inmost of the methods that he used. Hes an awesome guy and a good father, I think I turned out pretty alright because of him

Perhaps the relationship between a parent and a child, and one between two unrelated strangers are completely different?


Yeah yeah I know, it's all the jews fault. GB2/pol

He knows how the internet works & uses it for school projects. All usage is closely monitored.

Not mandatory for success. Currently is 2 years ahead in math and 3 in reading.
kill myself? Who'd raise my kids? The gov't?

this. I had very minimal internet/computer use as a kid and it really pissed me off, but it was for the best. Especially nowadays. I look at these kids doing all this retarded shit on the internet and just feel like its not a place for them

times have changed you degenerate inbred

I get where you're coming from, but the internet now is just way too fundamental to not allow your kids to have a grasp of it. For better or for worse, tech-illiteracy is a real thing or going to be.

>Dont hit your kids
spare the rod spoil the child

>talk to them like a fucking adult
that's bad advice, things need to be age appropriate which isn't a problem if you know your kids

Look when I was a kid I was scared shitless of my father. He didn't beat the shit out of me but if needed we got spanked and whatnot. But what I do remember was even though he was tough, he made sure to show us he cared. From taking time after work to play catch to taking the family on vacation. He rarely said he loved you or gave you a hug or hell even called you by your name, but I knew when I became a father myself, he was exactly what I want and am trying to be for my kids..

>it's all the jews fault
back to the cuck shed sugartits

This. My father beat my ass black and blue for most of my teenage years, and even though he and I are good now, I still wrestle with a nasty temper. Hit your kids in discipline, but explain to them why you're doing it, and how they can avoid it. My parents terrorized me when they hit me. They never explained, only lectured. It never stuck because that's not communication. You'd be surprised how much kids remember if you get the information through to them.

Only you're grossly misinterpreting that. Rod is like the shepherds rod.. GUIDE your children like a shepherd would a flock.