Is Justin Bieber the most famous person on the planet, aside from Trump?

Is Justin Bieber the most famous person on the planet, aside from Trump?

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You know most of the planet doesn't give a shit about some American pop singer right?

you do realize he is canadian you fucking twat

But that ass was made in America.


what does that even mean...

Anyways as far as most famous? Has to be Jesus. Mohammad. Buddha. Excluding religious icons Bill Clinton. George Bush. Michael Jordan. Bill Gates. Michael Jackson. I would say a lot of actors or soccer/football athletes too would be higher. Beiber hasn't been around long enough to top them.

Michael Jordan

Who is that?

Nowadays I don't even remember he exists until someone brings him up.


The biggest faggot you say? Sure!



Are you guys 12 or something? Not personally liking someone doesn't stop them from being famous you yards, and JB is worldwide. Not the most famous ever no but certainly well up there

Is OP Bieber? Because most people know him to be borderline obsolete since his last mugshot...

What about drake


fuck off with your b list singers

>Michael Jordan
I'm gonna guess you meant to write Michael Jackson, because outside of North America only a few countries even give a shit about basketball at all.


>most people know him
Literally the meaning of famous

Why do you think people in India or China would give a flying fuck about beiber?

Funny how people always want to lump in the entire world into the US's faggotry. Fame in your region does not equal world fame, faggot

It's only the biggest concert in the history of India

>Is Canadian
>Biggest concert in India

Damn you got btfo famalamadingdong

Nah it's all about David Lurking mate.