Tall women are for tall men

> Tall women are for tall men
> Short women are for tall men
> Short men are for short men

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People troll with what makes them angry.

In this case, Op is really mad that he is genetically deficient.

You poor manlet, you. Trying to deflect on OP because of your genetic inferiority. It's okay we have play pens for people your size.

Let's be honest. Most tall men are lanklets or fatties. Women of any height are for fit, alpha Chads and not some beta tall or short faggot who needs to post about his height on the Internet.

I'm 5'8 and had a 6'2 girlfriend, no problem

I'm 6ft and weigh 189lbs of lean muscle. Are you trying to tell me that I'm a lanket or that a woman would pick a midget over me? Kek

No need to lie on an anonymous board, little man.

in what position do you prefer to lay while she penetrates/emasculates you?

by the sounds of it, yeah they probably would, also your fat and on Sup Forums, you can lie to the internet but not yourself

You know that this hobbit is straight up lying, kek. Why would you entertain him?

Wow, somehow you're physically a Chad but mentally still an insecure little fagboy

MFW i see a mantel that looks like a gnome next to my magnificent 6'2 frame

>mfw I'm 5'7 and I've gone out with girls that at 6'
>mfw my 5'7 friend gets laid with girls that are 6'+ all the time
>mfw I have no face

Girls don't care about mentality. They like muscular bodies.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

I'm only 6ft but I relate so much. When will the halflings ever learn?!

Nice lying there, little man. It's a shame you can't lie yourself into the sweet pussy of a woman.

Damn, this art is really nice

Yeah I'm 5'4" and 19, and I'm jsut not going to try anymore no point when the odds are stacked this high against you

Found out its from rhineville.deviantart.com/art/First-Love-375056813

>People troll with what makes them angry.
[citation needed]

5'5. If I can do it so can you.

>be 6'4"
>only ever wanted a girl who was 6' or taller
>only attract shortshit 5'4" girls
life is suffering


it's right here

>projecting this hard

5"8' manlet here, fucked a bunch of 6" girls, it's kind of funny to go out with them, one time i was laughed by some dudes in a car because i had to stand in the first step of a stair to kiss a girl. I know this is a troll thread but, i don't really care, if you're attractive, rich and have social skills like me your height doesn't matter.

189lbs, try eating something. 250lbs muscle reporting in.

Under 6' Male. I had both taller and shorter gfs ans both didn't really bother me


keep telling yourself that and it might become true

When you're 5'10'' dating someone 5'11''

6'5 steakhouse reporting, if you're below my height then you're fucking pathetic, nothing beats the sensation of picking a girl up with little effort and fucking her wild against the wall, something you manlets will never experience… oh wait… you can't… kek

I'm 6'8" 380LBs
My back hurts
I can woo most girls
I cannot find a 6ft+ cute girl though, tallest I knew was 5'11, she also stabbed me

I don't play basketball, I used to play football, I always have back pain, girls always ask me to get stuff for em

I can't hug small children, or relatives because it hurts

that fucker is not 5''10

hahahah size of the dick is what matter you idiot

dubs have it

>only 6'5"
sup tiny?

not much midget, want some fuck?


I'm 6'2 and very confident that not only have I slept with more chicks than you (and they're hotter) but I'm probably stronger than you.

literally entry level Reid height

I'm 6'6 and I can tell you that women who won't date a guy who's short are bitches, and tall guys that make fun of shorter guys are also bitches. I've been around Sup Forums for a long fucking time. I was hoping to see it evolve one day, but apparently I'm retarded.

lmao I'm 5'9" and 1/2 you filthy manlet. Here allow me to escort you back

>be only 5'8"
>still get hot chicks, most recent two were both taller than me as well

Yeah height matters to some chicks but there's no point worrying about what you can't change, certainly hasn't stopped me getting good ass. The most recent girl I was fucking was a good inch and a half taller than me, about 5'9.5" or scraping 5'10". Pic semi related, has her exact body shape.

said the fat slovenly cunt

Kek so manlets are doomed to fucking fatties is what you're saying lmao

>that body

at least put some effort into your trolling

:'( it was that obvious?

Tall or short it doesn't matter because you are all Sup Forums fags and no woman is going to love you. Just kill your self.

Hows it feel to be king of the kiddie table?

Do you want to take this outside you pompous little faggot? Talk shit get hit, bitch.


How's middle school treating you, then?

Being 6ft tall is a godsend. Even at my height girls are always complimenting my height and asking if play sports. Sucks to be you manlets.

6'2" here. It's nice and all, I guess. Never really thought about it. Although, I've also never had a problem getting a gf either.
If you're short and you try to act like a badass all the time , it's going to make you look even shorter. If you're short and you act like a shy little kid, it's going to make you look shorter. Just be confident with what you were given. Easier said than done, I know.

5'3, genetics. 25 but look 18. Went to bros high school game last time and got in free because they taught I was a student lol. Could lie about age and date young girls but I don't.

>slept with more chicks than you
my fucking sides

the fact that i still haven't hit my peak is exhilarating, if you had a woman i'd easily be able to take her off your hands and you'd be sat there, crying, like the puny little man you are

That's because you're 5'8". That's not really that short.

any man under 7'2" is no man at all

kill urselfs manlet fags

8'2 powerhouse reporting in, get out the way bitch, the elite has landed

It's true lmao. I never probably would've never fucked around with dudes if I wasn't so short but whatever, analgasms feel preddy gud tbh

13'6" redwood god reporting in, what elite?

I'm 5'8" and I've fucked more tall women that you've met. Protip: The last thing tall women want to talk about is height. They didn't chose to be tall, and after age 21 or so, they're over it. They're fully realized human beings with other interests and desires. They want an emotional and sexual connection, same as every other woman.

Other than the awkward kissing, it's pretty dope, ain't it?

it's true, what is there to discuss?

13'7" britgod reporting in… yeah… what elite?

>be me
>10/10 girlfriend
>own a house and 2 cars, also a holiday house
How did I do it, lads?

13'6'' aint shit mini-man 16'0 heman giant reporting in, my father was zeus king of the titans

5'6'' LoL player reporting in, 1 v 1 me fgt

Don't listen to these virgins, dude. My stepfather was 5'3" and dead broke most of the time. After he split from my mom that man was picking up 25-year-old stunners without even trying. I've seen gorgeous women throw themselves at him just because he had a little charm. Height -- or even looks -- means almost nothing once you've started a conversation.

You're doing it backwards, son. You actually have to make the moves, and go after the women you want. Trust me, you get better women that way.

His real father on the other hand was a 65 power house who had no time for children and got women as young as 18 begging for his cock, his mother was one of these women.

Same here. Neckbeard perma-virgins don't get it, and never will.

You know what's genuinely pathetic? Thinking that fucking a girl up against a wall is even in the same league as making an emotional and sexual connection with a woman who is an utter joy to be with. You have my pity.

My boyfriend is over 6' tho

Calling anyone taller than you a neckbeard. Stay mad little man.

honestly never cared, 5'6ish and currently fucking around with a 6+ black chick from work.

Most anons are right to not care about what you cant change.

Dont get me wrong they have to be somewhat attracted to you for anything to work but charm and personality go far as fuck

Seriously, most attractive women of any height would rather fuck this actual midget than any of you dopes. Height means jack shit.

Aw, look! Baby's first troll post! C'mon little fella, you'll get there one day!

You're selling drugs?

TOP FUCKING KEK at all of the manlets worming out of the woodworks to defend the inferior trait.

Are you just a regular fag or trap?

It is all irrelevant. If you have money it does not matter how tall you are, you will always be able to get smoking hot pussy.

i'm like 5'7' . Wouldn't that be short?
totally not a trap btw, kinda girly but just a twink

Problem comes when you realise that most of the manlets here don't have money either...