How can Melon literally praise this band to the high heavens? I like a couple of their songs...

How can Melon literally praise this band to the high heavens? I like a couple of their songs, but overall they're fucking garbage. Why does he pretend they're the spawn of God?

Fantano is a dumb shit, stop praising him. Just a garbage Youtuber like the rest of them.

Also Death Grips is great. You are 2 for 2 on bad opinions

Because he's a cuck.

because they make good music

Why do you fucking care?

He's just a guy on the internet like yourself.

I praise them more than Melon desu

jesus christ, Sup Forums is fuking cringe

jesus christ, Sup Forums is fuking cringe

I don't see how people fail to see the appeal of DG.

They're a hip-hop band with a technically skilled drummer and beats largely based off interesting uses of warped samples, with an MC who turns up the typical rap aggression to 11.

They're basically an angrier Techno Animal with a heavier emphasis on sample slicing and weird uses of synths/e-drums

>i don't see the appeal of DG they're basically this but they also do that and this and that and this and that

scratch that i misread you

lmao, there used to be at least 2 dg generals on this board every fucking day
you summerfags

It's obvious to see their appeal but what's really bizarre is the way people are praising them as the most revolutionary music since Mozart wrote aristocratic operas in German. They're a cool band but people are wanking them off so fucking hard.

The first sentence says "I don't see how people don't see the appeal" IE "you not being able to understand why someone would like DG seems dumb"

so they're basically the modern *insert any shitty overhyped nu-metal band* with a skilled drummer who wasted himself to a such mediocre project

already said i misread you no need to be a cunt

If you're a fan of rap music they're honestly pretty inventive. Stuff like warping Venus William's tennis ball hitting grunts into a screechy melody on system blower is something I'd like to see more of in hip-hop, a lot of their sampling feels like it's really capturing the kind of unwieldy experimentation a sample-based genre can do.

They're not Mozart or some shit (they have a lot of "my first experiential rap" fans who obsess over them too much) but what they're doing with hip-hop is definitely a fresh take.

It posted while your response was still loading

jesus christ, Sup Forums is fuking cringe


Ex military was great, anything after that I don't really fuck with. I felt they for to self aware and pretentious after that album

Exmilitary was great, anything after that I don't really fuck with. I felt they got too self aware and pretentious after that

Because they're quality experimental hip hop.