*deletes fitter happier*

*deletes fitter happier*
*replaces it with creep*

the perfect album...

>Fitter Happier
>Not Subterranean Homesick Alien
bad taste user..

>deleting the best track

>Deleting a key track that contributes to the thematic cohesiveness of the album.
>Replacing it with an uninteresting grunge song.

fuck off

eat shit


Fitter Happier is what makes the album significant.

Without it it's just a collection of songs.

Best post

Nothing wrong with deleting it, it was just put there so even the most retarded low IQ fan could understand the album and feel more intellectual for 5 minutes than their friends.

>replacing any track from an album with god tier late 90's production and changing it with one from the album that has the shittiest sound of all mainstream grunge albums.

are fitter happier jokes still funny in 2017?

>delete OK Computer
>replace it with The Bends


>deleting a meaningful track and replacing it by a pop rock meme

*deletes entire album*
*replaces it with silence*

The perfect album.

and more productive


>deletes Treefingers and Morning Bell
>adds the entirety of Amnesiac except Push/Pulk, Dollars and Cents and Hunting Bears
The logical conclusion to popular music...

fuck you I love treefingers

the BENDS is better XD

fuck you I love dollars and cents

this tbqh

i know this is bait, but people who think this should unironically kill themselves

God radiohead fans are so autistic. No wonder why everbody hates you.

You mean everybody on Sup Forums right? Because normies love radiohead and the only song they know by them; Creep.

Yet another juvenile *draws a cock and balls on the Mona Lisa*-tier thread.