So, that's it. Homme's done, right? It's over, isn't it?

So, that's it. Homme's done, right? It's over, isn't it?

no because that single is really fucking great.

this shit's good, dude.

well, truth be told, Homme could shit down my throat and I'd still love it

does he do that? because sign me up.

Can someone who's good with the photo shops edit the JUST hair into this? Thanks

plus make that thing on chin bigger

It's good. What's the problem, anonpai?

It's alright but I hate the production.

I'm just happy about a studio version of Villains of Circumstance coming out soon!



>tfw no cowbell

they're all cowbell'd out after little sister

Eddie can play a mean cowbell

on the topic of Lullabies
>mfw no Lanegan vocal track ever again

What? Have you even listened to qotsa

Also quick reminder that OP is most likely either Josh or Dean. Faggots are insecure about their image and always need someone to tell them they sound good

>shitting on Dean
For what purpose? I always thought he was a quiet nig who was just happy to be there.

>quiet nig
>not insecure

I love all of the band's members. Doesn't mean I shouldn't call them out for posting bait threads on Sup Forums

>implying they're posting here
I guess I kinda get that vibe because he's so quiet. Like in Dead Weather interviews, he'd basically just let Jack and Alison talk.

No One Knows was the lead single for SFTD and that song was trash as well

Get the fuck out

this t b h


I can name 40 Queens tracks that are objectively better than No One Knows. It's mediocre at best by their standards.

Free (you)s secured.