
Ozymandias Did Nothing Wrong Edition

haha fuck you ALL

me first



haha fuck you ALL

me first

gf just sent me this

Why don't people Banepost anymore?

this needs a /brit/ edit

Doing it wrong you fucking retard

ah yes, lovely shilling we've been having today

dead meme

is this a racist hate symbol in australia?

it was never funny

Get on it then you lazy sack of shit

In the end?
Nothing ends, Adrian
Nothing ever ends

I'm insecure about my tiny 7 inch penis.


bought a manga collection today and couldn't for the life of me figure out why it was backwards and the panels were configured in the wrong way


Post pictures


never had sexual relations
never been intimate in any way
might do a 'cide

not sure what your on about

also did this and wondered why it was black and white

might have a cheeky cide lads

The gf

It's that time, lads.

you read manga from right to left, same for panels and speech bubbles

*be brown*
*do thing*
conlaturatings you are being of HEROE!

It's been five years and it still holds up. It's literally going to make it to 10 years.

What really activates my almonds is that somewhere, someone out there will die and take the last memories of Baneposting with them.

Any photography lads in here?

Is it worth getting an analog to save a few hundred quid? Or is it a reddit fedora gimmick?



got a k gf who happens to be whiter than the majority of native europeans desu, she's also quite tall. Think I'd consider breeding a hapa with this one

No but the Union Jack is. It's as loathed there by liberals as the ol' Saint George is here. I really wish that they got rid of the cuck stamp.

Epitome of a fored meme.


Browsing Sup Forums for the past 3 years has made me realise Australia literally is the best country in the world.

if i lived in the UK, i'd be earning far less than I am now and would only be spending slightly less on overall living costs (more if i was living in l*ndon). Weather is also fucking shit.

if i was living in the US i'd be paying through the nose for my private health + get shot + i'd be surrounded by non-whites.

The only country that comes close is Canada but their weather is fucking shit. New Zealand is a meme and the kiwi accent is fucking horrendous.

Other countries don't count because their populaces don't speak English and therefore are automatically shit.


The whole point of the Zach Braff meme is that the statement itself is innocuous and the bit saying what he is talking about is the punchline because it re-contextualises the innocuous statement. Your image fucks up the joke because "I love the idea of killing unwanted babies" isn't an innocuous statement.

Uhhh why is there two pakis stearing eachother down?


Řśwrong way?
like this?

love blooms on the battlefield

favourite time of the day

>it still works
utterly mental

Agreed. May I come?

aussie and kiwi accents are exactly the same

good morning friends

dont give a rats arse to be frank






>Australian internet

All your points are invalid


can't wait until English independence and all the SJW cucks are forced to have this flag represent them

Ah yes, CNN. Now that's a source you can trust.

If i see this again I'm going to fucking flip

Got mugged off by a 9 year old today.

the truest redpill: weed is by itself no more harmful than alcohol, but its use is a symptom of a wider attitude of sloth and laziness

Not of not living in a time when the UK is the best country in the world. I just want to go back to a time when Englishmen could be proud


if you're not a soft cunt pom (i.e no)

my download is decent (36mbps). my upload sucks though (1.5mbps)

these posts give an interesting juxtaposition

alcohol is degenerate

England ended in 1660 2bh

>tfw no qt tranny gf(male)

theres always one retard who doesn't get the meme.


We'd probably keep the Union Jack because it's more A E S T H E T I C
I'd pick pic related personally

i'll end you in a minute if you carry on

film and processing is expensive unless you do black and white and develop yourself. but then you just have B&W negatives, you need a way to scan or make prints, both of which are expensive. stick with digital unless you are okay with cheapo instalab color processing and scanning.


Lads, I'm bi but seeing these trannies in the thread sickens me, they just look so fucking disgusting.

Is this normal?


You seem to have 1 too many flags on that there image of yours lad.

>worked 84 hours this week
>have a couple days off until Wednesday
>so fucking tiiiiired

Think I'm just gonna get stoned and pissed tonight and watch LOTR.

Right now I just want to get in the bath and chill out afterwards but I have to go to the fucking opticians later.

this is aesthetic desu

nah this lad has a shite taste in trannies 2bh

they all still look like blokes


no, there is nothing wrong with having a drink or two with some friends at the end of a day's work. If you are drinking to the point of damaging yourself or affecting the rest of your life, then yes it is

how does a straight male get off to trannies?

serious question

I don't understand the phrase "eat your heart out"

ah yes it's the prime shemale hours

it's probably just because the tranny being posted has a terrible boob job

>is a phenomena, that was considered a mental health problem until very recently and has many suicides associated with it, normal

why does he keep posting animated images of a naked individual?


watching some neoreactionary propaganda videos on youtube
good stuff, this

it is his one true calling


Based on pic related

seems like a concern a simple google search would solve. twat.


going to cycle 200 miles tomorrow

I started film photography as a means to make me more patient with stuff, which worked. Buying the equipment is far cheaper and it no longer becomes outdated per se, unlike digital. I'd recommend buying a yashica electro 35 and seeing how you like it, then once you're into it, buying something a bit more expensive and learning to process b&w at home and buying an Epson v600 scanner to scan your negatives onto your computer

hope this helps x

Gonna fucking deck you if you make a single more inferrance about Ireland's place in the union.

>le ebic unconventional flag shapes xD

in the bin

unless you're in a velodrome I doubt that can be done

I don't understand the phrase "beat the shit out of you"