Nico was a nazi

Nico was a nazi.

fuck a nazi

what a clon

Don't think they made people that young party members.


That just makes me like her even more.

... but she made good music.

Nico was described by some friends and colleagues as racist. Her friend Danny Fields, the American journalist who helped her sign to Elektra Records, described her as "Nazi-esque", saying: "Every once in a while there'd be something about Jews and I'd be, 'But Nico, I'm Jewish,' and she was like 'Yes, yes, I don't mean you.' She had a definite Nordic Aryan streak, [the belief] that she was physically, spiritually and creatively superior", a view she appears to have continued to maintain throughout her later years. According to Fields, Nico once attacked a mixed-race woman in a restaurant with a smashed wineglass, saying "I hate black people".

>tfw David Bowie never impregnated Nico to make the perfect aryan baby

nobody likes you

I like Malcolm, he's a good guy and one of the last holdouts from when this board was still entertaining.
I don't like you though, you newfag dweeb.

Did you take this from the Wikipedia page for Noah "Make blacks endangered not panda bears" Lennox?

he's a nice guy dont say that!!

She was a member of the Ku Klux Klon

this made me laugh way harder than i thought it would

you don't know what an aryan is


Desertshore [Reprise, 1970]

The Velvet Underground and Nico plus Chelsea Girl convinced me that Nico had charisma; The Marble Index plus Desertshore convince me that she's a fool. The difference is that now Nico writes the songs--songs with titles like "The Falconer" and "Abschied," songs that indulge her doleful monotone instead of playing rhythms and tempos against it. Nothing new here--bohemian hangers-on always get to publish their work while the less socially adept ("charismatic") are shafted. John Cale, with his "spare" arrangements, plays patron. C

The End [Island, 1974]

I don't know vy she's moaning about unved virgins and vether to betray her hate, and I don't vant to know. The Manzanera-Eno-Cale settings, which I believe is what one calls this sort of elevated sound effect, are suitably morbid and exotic. But funereal irony aside, her parlay of the Doors' "The End" and the Fuehrer's "Das Lied Der Deutschens" contextualizes both tunes more pejoratively than is intended. Nico is what happens when the bloodless wager their minds on the wisdom of the blood and the suicidal make something of their lives. If this be romanticism, give me Matthew Arnold--and gimme shelter. C

thanks user I like you too *blows kiss*

>he doesn't love Desertshore
holy hell, does anybody take him seriously?

has he ever not be wrong about anything?


t. Malcolm

>he's a good guy and one of the last holdouts from when this board was still entertaining
He's never made a post that had more than 2 paragraphs

all he used to do years ago was upload shitty funk albums

Don't worry, no one remembers her other than the few basement dwellers edgelords from this site because they can relate to her as they all share the same common trait of having a mentality of a 9th grader.


john wayne was a nazi

He was pretty correct about Styx and Journey.

Christgau is a horrible writer

He's not winning any awards for clear, non-opaque writing anyway, although after rereading his reviews a few times I can generally figure out what he's trying to say.

Where did this rumor that Panda Bear is far right come from?

it's a meme

I started it actually back in 2015.

That's kinda hot

rly makes you think

>Listen to me, all right? Panda Bear is a hardcore motherfucker, I've told you that before. He did time in Pelican Bay because he turned some sheboon into a Pez dispenser back in his Klan days. I mean, the guy will slay you where you fucking stand just as soon as buy a round or clap you on the back.

>Now, when I asked Noah to give me his opinion of the President Obama, he said, "Davey, I've turned out a lot of punks, but I've never seen a high yellow fuck boy as soft as this punk. I mean I'd drive a shank into his asshole just to make a point or if I wanted his corn muffins and he wouldn't give 'em to me off his tray." I realized then that if we didn't start The Day of the Rope, Noah would fucking kill me. I saw it in his eyes.

>He even told me as much onetime. My girlfriend, she invited him over for dinner, and he shows up in a Klan coat stained with blood, shit, God knows what else. She screams and he sticks his hand up her skirt, kisses her, then pulls out a straight razor and says, "If your old man doesn't open up ya throat and make you accept white supremacy, I'm going to cut your fucking tits off before I even think about wasting the Kikes."

- Avey Tare, recounting the tension between himself and Panda Bear during nervous AnCo days
