
Letterboxd thread: post profiles and discuss what you have recently watched

QOTD: What is a good movie with violins?

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that's a really ambiguous QotD

Daily reminder to stop being huge plebs and watch more movies.


>QOTD: What is a good movie with violins?


pubescent desu

pubescent again

i can smell your pubes from here

What's the embryo cut off?


Did you like embrace of the serpent user

Name as many Woody Allen movies as you can without Googling.

Free Space: Annie Hall

The purple rose of Cairo, Midnight in Paris, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Café Society, Alice, Everything you always wanted to know about sex but never asked, the curse of the jade scorpio

Half of these titles are probably wrong

>threads get archived as soon as i hit the bed
fucks the matter with you guys?

that's to show you how much we miss you

How was Diarrhea? I see you liked it.

What's Up Tiger Lily, Casino Royale, Take the money and run, bananas, sleeper, everything about sex, love and death, annie hall, interior, manhattan, stardust memories, midsummer nights sex comedy, rose of cairo, hannah and her sisters, radio days, bullets over broadway, deconstructing harry, match point, anything else, whatever works, the curse of jade scorpion, scoop, vicky christian barcelona, you will meet a tall dark stranger, midnight in paris, to rome with love, blue jasmine, irrational man, cafe society

is the new Herzog doc out on torrents yet


Annie Hall, Manhattan, Midnight in Paris. I try not to think about Woody Allen movies because the ones I've seen are terrible.

when did you grow out of soviet flicks?
I was about 23

really good i miss the '70s


What's been your favourite experience of showing someone else a movie you really love?

Literally just got back from War Dogs. Thoroughly enjoyed Jonah Hill, idk why.

Anyway here is my account.

you really like movies with glasses

your the first to bring that up, i cant stop seeing it now. fucc

nothing wrong with liking jonah hill familia


learn to log

>eh cbf now.

>eh cbf now.

fuckin greentext accident. kill me.

Give me a list of some of your favorite movies from 2010 to 2016


Anybody that has read High-Rise, please tell if there is something I've missed in the film. I loved the first half, but the second half I hated.

it's just anti-capitalist nonsense

Did you like the nice guys user

i liked it, it had a nice mix of comedy and death

>Literally just got back from War Dogs
>watched 3 movies since then


720p copy of Eurocrime! taken from Amazon is now in the folder if anyone wants, please also enjoy this gif I made and don't post that often

>.gif instead of .webm

How do I sync my trakt and letterboxd? Or can I sync emby to letterboxd does anyone know?

More like plebm

>.jpg instead of .png

he doesnt know how to log

Going to watch hardcore Henry, I'm expecting basically crank 3 to happen so will be disappointed in the outcome I'm sure

hello you little shits

ill give you some gems: BvS, Blackhat, Bridge of Spies, Cemetery of Splendour, Certified Copy, Gone Girl, Knight of Cups, Like Someone in Love, Pain & Gain, Social Network, Tree of Life, Unstoppable

>gems: BvS, Blackhat

thankx bruv

I showed a bunch Tetsuo The Iron Man and they liked it, they were also stoned so I dont think they payed attention


into the trash it goes


Drive (2011), Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn and starring Ryan Gosling as Drive.

a boy with manners

what am i supposed to look at here
do you think you could maybe circle it?

or syphilis

no problem, bud

hahah xD

I know right. I'm a comic genius.

anyone seen peter's friends?

literally whose friends?

BvS is a solid 7/10 film

I seem to be the only person I follow who actually think it's good lol

>Convoluted scheme by a weak villain to force a big fight between two superheros
>dream sequences to set up future films
>religious imagery used as metaphor, but so lazily done and shallow it's pointless
>Fight stops because of two parents having the same name (I get the idea, it's been beaten to death, but it's handled so poorly that it's laughable)
>Henry Cavill's mediocre acting
>Gal Gadot's poor acting
>30 minutes of destruction porn at the end
>death of a hero is meant to make us feel sad, when all we've been shown and told for 2 films is how shitty a hero he is and how nobody likes him
>ambiguous ending that isn't ambiguous at all

anybody who considers that mess a masterpiece is fucking stupid

please help /lbg/

>pathetic score
>the fight is anticlimatic and boring, not helped by the poor use of non-diagetic sound in the whole thing


Gonna recap my thoughts on the last few movies I saw. Hope you enjoy what I have to say and build on to the discussion. Some spoilers.

>Grave of the Fireflies
Characters are beautifully animated and drawn. In particular I really liked how the light of the fireflies was emitted onto the character's face, and I like how the character's physiques gradually changed due to malnutrition. I really hate how little kids are presented in anime, especially girls aged 4 - 10. Little girls in anime are presented far too innocently to unrealistic measures.

>Stand By Me
Going off of what I just said, Stand By Me probably has the most realistic portrayal of how kids behave in any media. I really don't care for movies that actively try to make you feel like shit. The closing narration of SBM, in particular how his friends become just another face in the hallway, hit me far more than the little girl in GotF dying. The pie scene was hilarious, its a completely different type of humor than the rest of the movie.

I decided to continue watching 80s movies and this is a great gateway into 80s punk cult classic movies, along with the Warriors. Every element of this movie, from the acting to the writing, is enjoyably awful. To call what these actors did "acting" is an insult to real actors. The characters are clearly reading off the script for the first time.

>grave of the fireflies
one of the greatest chinese cartoon performances i've seen
you should check out Giovanni's Island

>From Dusk Till Dawn
Excited to see how the twist I'm sure everybody knows by now was handled. I really did not care for this movie. The first half (the "Tarantino" half) was far more enjoyable than the second half. The idea of convicts and their hostages going on a road trip and a stockholm respect forming between the two groups is a really interesting concept. Dear I say, the first half of FDTD is better than anything Robert Rodriguez has made. One thing I like is that the two brothers are legitimately terrible and terrifying people. Movies with villain protagonists always try to add some tragic element to their story, not these assholes.

>Big Trouble in Little China
I really don't care for most John Carpenter flicks and this one is no exception. I decided to watch it because I've seen people call it his best and I hated it far more than The Thing or Halloween. One thing I enjoy about Carpenter is his mastery of practical effects, and while there was some of that in this one, it was mostly special effects. Another thing I like about his movies is that exposition and dialogue is often, at least in the case of The Thing and They Live, is nonexistent. What I hate about his movies are his one-dimensional stereotypical characters. And this movie is full of that. I understand this movie is suppose to be a parody, but when you have these characters I don't care for talking about exposition for like two hours with somewhat enjoyable fight scenes scattered within, I just don't want to watch that. My favorite Carpenter is They Live.

>The African Queen
How this movie managed to shoot some of the boating scenes was pretty impressive, like the waterfall scene. I like movies where the setting is a character. There's two setting-characters in this movie: the long river in Africa, but also the boat. These two settings and how they interact with each other is far more interesting than the actual story and characters.

Not really a film related, but I loved how in Stranger Things, the dynamics of the children felt like Stand by Me.

What's your account?

It's Japanese, though.

that's the joke

It was pretty good, definitely really entertaining, worth the watch, aren't enough movies that unrelentingly action-packed I m o

basically the YouTube meme version of crank, it worked better as the music video I think, the first person viewpoint for feature length probably harmed as many of the action scenes (which in general were nicely choreographed) than helped, though don't know how they'd have effectively switched between doing both either

Sharlto was great in it

Done now with my dumb normie 2016 watches, back to my regularly scheduled programming of trash

Sharlto was phenomenal in HH, but that's about the only good thing I can say about it

Very funny joke.

Do you watch kung fu movies ? It's the best for action and fight choregraphy in my opinion.

Nice, I really wish more people saw it in the cinema though

thanks for the share

Kung Fu Panda trilogy is great.

Yeah I probably would have enjoyed it more in the cinema, seems a shame it flopped, again just means less risks taken in future films

I've seen a handful of shaw brothers stuff (big fan of the whooshing punches and kicks) but I'm not huge into it definitely. Was actually just about to watch The Clones of Bruce Lee which looks like a mess of a film, seems fun

no problem my friend I hope you enjoy it

>Full Metal Jacket
One of my favorite "sit down and watch again" movies. I've seen this movie a lot, and while I wouldn't rank it in my top ten, or even my top twenty, I just like watching it, for a number of reasons, but definitely for the top tier bantz.

Awful. Here's the thing with these "torture porn" movies. They never go far enough. When there is something more extreme that occurs, like a girl getting her eyeball melted out of her eye socket, its hidden behind someone's shoulder or its in the middle of the process. I didn't feel like vomitting after watching this movie. I didn't even feel like taking a shower. I felt like the same person I was before watching this movie, maybe a little pissed off because I dedicated two hours of productive time to seeing this barely-dirty garbage. If you're ever in the mood for "torture porn" movies, please, just go to LiveLeak and type in beheading, torture or africa.

The kids in Stranger Things were fairly realistic I guess, but a little too nerdy for me. I've never met someone in real life that was THAT stereotypically nerdy. I will give the show props for subverting some stereotypes. In shows, when you have a loner, everyone assumes he's a weirdo or perv due to his introvert nature, but it turns out the loner isn't that bad after all. In this show's case, the loner (Jonathan) was completely a perv, taking pics of Nancy undressing. The """bullies""" were pretty much justified in nearly every action, but definitely breaking Jonathan's camera.


My ratings aren't suppose to be objective or anything, I basically rated how much I personally enjoy the movie.

I think most of the kids that were cast in Suburbia were real teenage punks and Penelope Spheeris originally wanted the lead role to go to Henry Rollins.

What are your thoughts on Escape from NY and LA?

Nice. Everyone that is against vulgar autist meme films is good in my books and nice posts and thoughts.

Some of the Shaw brother movies have the best choregraphy I've ever seen. But it's not for every one. I hope you enjoy Clones of Bruce Lee !

This picture is like a PSA on the ruinous effects of alcoholism

Nooo, you should watch SPL 2. One of the best 2016 movies so far


This guy is literally me.

Rip then.

name a single more kino user
oh what's that, you cant? thats what i thought

Minus that part.

Do you do drugs or just relate to feeling that you've wasted most of your life and don't know where to go from here?

Big Jim > you

Is this a good watch before I've seen any films in the genre it concerns? Or is it best to have watched some of those first?


I agree that 'torture porn' movies are generally bad but I think hostel is a really good one. I love how for such a long period of the film it really feels like a completely different genre, just these guys on a European holiday meeting girls and being absolute legends, then suddenly a few kind of hints or other things to make it feel uneasy are thrown in, then obviously it all goes wild. And I think the restraint in what's actually shown you're talking about in your post actually makes the gore/violence more effective than most of the later imitators. Your post kind of implies that the movie has failed for not making you feel sick and like you need a shower, in my opinion this isn't necessarily the aim of them. For me just the atmosphere and slowly increasing sense of dread it managed to create sets in apart from most others in the genre.

Your posts are good and I wish more people posted their thoughts on what they watched like you have

Clones of Bruce Lee was wild, easily highest ratio of fights to everything else I've seen in a movie, lots of boobies too, good shit

just looked into this, maybe would have given it a go if there was a 3D release but can't be bothered with out I don't think.

In my opinion this is a great watch, maybe a better watch without being familiar with the films, it's a comprehensive and interesting introduction and overview of the genre, very essay-like in its structure and design. If the doc does sound interesting at all to you then I would say to go for it


>being absolute legends

Jesus tsar do you live in a hovel?