Is there any hope for this board?

is there any hope for this board?

no its shit.


Sup Forums has literally always had a culture of elitism. if you can't handle the bantz you're the cancer ruining this board. look at the sticky for fuck sake, before there ever was a sticky or death grips or MPP the welcome to Sup Forums now get out image was a staple for what we stood for here.

t. avant-pleb

bantz got so bad here it's like children been running around sucking on each other's ice cream. It's MY fucking ice cream get your own.

The only salvation is if everyone on this board starts making music of their own. And the board would change from a discussion/shitposting board about canon Sup Forumscore albums into a discussion/shitposting board about our own music.

>Sup Forums has literally always had a culture of elitism.
yeah but that elitism is dead. ppl call anything pleb/patrician now

Yeah but there has been an anti-elitism attitude for a while now in the for, of anti-poseur that calls out anyone who listens to anything other than Sup Forumscore genres


THIS is the problem

Nirvana, RHCP, Lil Peep, Danny Brown... seen tem all called patrican ffs

reminder this isn't ironic either

this place sucks t b h

your stylesheet sucks

I want to die

Music for suicides?

I miss the elitism.

We need more elitism to drive those people far away. How can people have such garbage taste?

make sure you take photos

memerap was a mistake

This is actually the biggest problem with mu. people are now worried about being contrarian so they just listen to really accessible indie rock and pop music, which is fine for people new to listening to different music but that's the fucking tip of the iceberg. people listen to shit like weezer, blink, green day, taylor swift, kiss, etc. and they're proud of it for some reason. it's middle school music, alright start but there's hardly anything interesting there and in the big picture of music i'd say it's fair to call that music bad

>tfw I remember witnessing the slow rise of Tyler The Creator and his shitty hip hop group
From that point on there was no going back, the line between good and bad music had become blurred beyond recognition.
Most of Sup Forums now is just a reaction against the hipster label they attracted. Listening to obscure music became laughed at, so they started listening to top 40 stuff in an attempt to throw off the label. Waifuism and memerap were the natural spawn of such a reaction.

In the last 4 days I've listened to nothing but Mozart, Haydn, the Rolling Stones, and Kanye West. Contrarian my dick

moral of story: have taste, enjoy taste

>In the last 4 days I've listened to nothing but Mozart, Haydn, the Rolling Stones, and Kanye West.
all well known established artists. whats your point?

>Most of Sup Forums now is just a reaction against the hipster label they attracted.
finally someone saying it. i don't know if it was the same back in the day too, but today you can't even write "indie" that any thread derails with shit nonsense.

I gave you a moral of the story. You don't gotta be indie to fit in, just listen to what makes your life better.

I'm gonna put most of my library online in a few weeks stay tuned. We be happy to hear your opinions

>is there any hope for this board?
no. But thankfully there's RateYourMusic and Soulseek for infinite music listening and recs


yeah but it was at least in part deserved

i'm saying people on mu don't want to spend time listening to experimental music because you'll look like a contrarian

It sucked in 2008 and it sucks now.

>entry level classical, hip hop and rock

exactly his point, mu is boring due to people listening to the same old shit like you

being a pleb >>> being an avant teen

Listening to good music that takes time to understand>>>>>>>>>Listening to bad music on purpose

Most of the time I feel like every discussion on this board plays out exactly like this image.

They actually kinda combined

Sup Forums is a snobbish but the stuff they worship is super average pop

yeah, but it's gone from "patrician = elitist, pleb = popular" to "patrician = anything I like, pleb = anything I dislike"

avant-teens are a few steps away from actually having good and eclectic taste. there's nothing wrong with being in the avant-teen phase for some time. at least it means you're starting to really open your mind to other kinds of art (be it music or film or anything else)

>don't listen to rap

>don't listen to pop
>try hard

>don't listen to Sup Forumscore

>listen to Sup Forumscore

>listen to something different
>fucking avant-teen poseur hrrrr


>The only salvation is if everyone on this board starts making music of their own. And the board would change from a discussion/shitposting board about canon Sup Forumscore albums into a discussion/shitposting board about our own music.
Are you kidding me? /prod/, Soundcloud (and to some extent Bandcamp) threads are some of the worst on this board, almost as bad as kpop or Grimes threads.

It's all a bunch of amateurs who think their opinions hold more weight because they make really shitty derivative quantized music in Ableton or FL. They also all post like they're very young and/or have low IQs. Only /comp/ is actually high quality.

the thing is, they don't understand the music they're listening to and the reason they listen to it comes from being insecure and wanting to be better than everyone else.

>they don't understand the music they're listening to and the reason they listen to it comes from being insecure and wanting to be better than everyone else.
thats everything in life buddy.

Sup Forums died when CLT left

You could very much say the same about the shitty trap that a large proportion of Sup Forums listens to now desu.

No, it's literally always been like that, the difference is the guy who started patricianposting actually had good taste in music. The joke is that there's no objective good taste, but that doesn't mean you can't have bad taste.

Kys tripcunt

This. I prefer being avant-teen than pleb.

"art" music is boring


CLTs original "patrician" chart was popular regular pop/rock and hip hop.

you're 100% correct. except they're just listening to shitty pop music and expecting people to think they have good taste

Serious question. Don't you all get tired of discussing the same artists and the same albums all from the same charts endlessly?

Too true, good music is listening to some 18 year old nog high on purp mumbling about Hennessy

pop music is boring

there is that element to it, but everyone has to start somewhere. if someone genuinely enjoys and appreciates alt/experimental/avant-garde music, even if they initially got into it 2 be different & cool, they're still alright in my book as long as they aren't outright lying to themselves or others about what they like.

if someone is honest at their core, it's okay if they're not completely self-aware yet. they will become self-aware and more moderate (i.e. cease immediately hailing any experimental/weird thing as superior to anything remotely mainstream). the only true heresy is outright lying and literally just listening or pretending to listen to something for e-cred rather than actual taste. that's probably only like ~15% of the so-called avant-teen crowd though.

music taste and enjoyment is a very subjective and cultural thing, so it's kind of unavoidable that people will first foray into new genres due to social pressures and cliquiness. i got into a lot of genres that way myself, but years later i now genuinely appreciate them for their own merits and am glad that i was introduced to them, regardless of the path.

There was a whole year of CLT "I like classical now everyone's sick of me spamming the 50 rock albums list" and Hampus "i want to be Antiwarhol" and at the end of it nobody won as memerap took over the board anyway lol

i completely agree with you, i just responded like that so no faggots would start bashing experimental music in an effort to defend their shit taste

There are more new posters still not over their "essentials" phase than older posters who've explored as they leave or post in threads like this

when i say pop music i just mean popular music not like katy perry although i know some insufferable losers on mu actually enjoy that too

YEs. the only threads that are bumped are shitty meme music threads and pol tier stuff

No, pol is fucking everything up. I've never seen it this bad

I know that's what you meant, hence the classical VS avant-teen wars example.

>the Sup Forums boogey man

Albums/artists more well known will get more replies than ones that aren't.

Shocking huh

no u


Like it isn't true? Go back there with your racist xenophobic bullshit. It's not needed or wanted here.




I love this shitty board, honestly.


I hate it but I like music and chan board layout so I'm stuck.


This board is like 80% shill posts

it's rigged like Facebook, twitter, reddit etc.

if you don't spend time listening to Mozart and Haydn you'll never understand classical