Is Better Call Saul greenpilled?

Is Better Call Saul greenpilled?

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Does Chuck know of the demiurge and the dangers fluoride? I don't think so.
Does he wear the tinfoil to protect his thoughts from the evil entities wanting to control his mind? Or does he do it out of an irrational fear of electric fields?

Verdict: not greenpilled.

Were you faggots trying to induce cringe? Because that's what you achieved.

Demiurge agent detected


>le memes xd
How do I know that you're a NWO shill?

And I'm also a lizard, right?

brobably :DDDD

>BCS thread
>No Kim pics
shit thread

gotcha user

get that old hag out of here

yea pretty much

I was being gang stalked and targeted with electronic mind control and would sleep at night with a car window sun shield to stop them from influencing my subconscious/dreams at night.


Get some of that cutie erin ITT ASAP

Nice shit taste faggot. I bet you get aroused looking at children.


it's a pol thing

tv plebs like you wouldn't understand

>it's a pol thing
hey don't get us mixed with /x/ tier garbage
Sup Forums is red or iron pill

Oh good thing I don't peruse that shitshow.

god she's beautiful
Too bad we can't hear her wondrously sexy voice

She's like a living sculpture of a Greek goddess
10/10 would berry

did it work?

how is mike still alive in better call saul?

pls post more

no I don't think so

I think you basically need to be in a faraday cage to stop the V2K stuff

it's mostly a prequel

Laugh all you want, they've already disclosed they can control the minds of insects. Who knows what they have achieved in secret labs.

she's a freak, an absolute sex freak, it's actually more scary than exciting


>ywn lick her whole body as she moans in ecstatic trance
why even live

She has a very substitute teacher vibe, not exactly sexy looking but ultra marriage material

I've always found her to be breathtakingly beautiful


just looked it up, scary stuff
is there a way to build a cheap faraday cage?

She gives me the weirdest boners