Kpop general

eternal love edition

Other urls found in this thread:

I LOVE kpop

is /trash/ kpg the kpopfap of kpg?

bring back chubby tae

lisa 2bh



the song girl problems from the japanese exo-cbx album "girls" is soty tvxqh

i hate music

yeah, maybe even worse

it's the /r9k/ of kpg

cub was ugly last night

>cub is ugly

>last night

taeyeon sure was ugly back in the day

So pretty.

Mimi, though.

>you're pushing music threads out of the catalog.

Blackpink will dethrone Twice in this next CB


I feel you user but to be fair I like Yeri's entire Yeri a lot

candy qt

jessica was stylin on taeyeon even back then, got damn

> cub is really pretty

Don't even make me laugh

this is what this board should look like

isn't that the point of cbx, being cheesy?

natural selection

Kpop is my friend, my lover and my family.

Twice is my friend. (kinda ugly to be my GFs. But fun to hang out with)

Black Pink is my lover. (The only confirmed virgins in kpop thx to YG's paranoia and security system)

April is my family (pure daughters)


rat is ugg--

>not posting the goat trot

jennies made the rounds at YG more than a few times my man


candy uggo is cute like a pug

yeri mentioned

what a shithole

> oh no, not the five "is kanye west the best rapper of all time" threads
> pls slow down, kpg, you're pushing our circlejerks out of the catalog

fuck this retard

Fake news.

taeyeon was already jealous back then too

I can't decide who's my favourite OMG, mimi is up there in the top three but it's so hard


i'd much rather watch trotfu talk with fans

really shows how much work dr kim has put into taeyeon

I don't understand why people like Mimi

Fucking Yeri


i love bonusbaby

just got into kpop

it's lit


That's illegal.

dubu is not good at singing rapping or dancing but none of that matters

with a switchblade

who are your other 2? she's also top 3 for me, along with arin and jiho

it gets even harder when she's on vlive, she's so lovable

Which groups do you like?

>someone mentions mimi
>it's the bad one

dubu is just fine at rapping and she has the best smile in twice


lisa to be hoenst with you guys

literally me. i do this with every pair of shoes i own and it drives people crazy



lovelyz elris and bonus baby

lit af

no way this thread ever gonna slow down with bait this high quality

How prominent are her front teeth?

you're lucky I also like that Mimi, otherwise I'd beat the shit out of you

her cute husky voice and joyful personality

binnie and yooa for me

>arin, binnie, yooa, jiho
i thought this is everyone's top 4 wtf

it's personality that makes the idol

Does anyone know what the background song at 7:10 is?

tfw don't even like kpop any more but kpg is your only friend


I named mine "lisa heart attack"

that are only the choices for entry lvl plebs

I really like Binnie, but there's something about her voice that, deep inside, pisses me off.

can you please refrain from making webms of this nature? i hope this isn't bonusbaby webm user

word, being cute also helps


if that were the case chewy would be the least popular twice member and not dubuggo

why do people listen to groups that are exactly the same concept/sound wise? like why do lovelyz fans also like gfriend when it's the same thing, why not just pick which one you like more?

i only listen to one purepop group, one slutpop group, one memepop group, one colorpop group and one ladypop group

yeri mentioned


covers that are better than the origina? I'll startl:

Hayoon is legal, right?

it's a great webm tho

chewy has the best personality tho???

I've been really getting into 1980es European pop recently. One prevalent topic that I noticed is the dread due to an inevitable end of the world due to Regan/Gorby nuking the world (Frankie Goes to Hollywood/Alphaville).
This made me wonder: is there a similar situation in kpop? Any lyrics dealing with getting nuked any minute now?

all of dubu's teeth are exactly the same size

big bang is okay


well personally, i'm not fucking stupid so i'll listen to anything i want

there is only one purepop group, well only one currently relevant

her natural voice with the lithp or the meme voice she puts on?

Jihyo is mommy af. Imagine coming home from school and she's waiting for you at the front door wearing an apron and with her hair tied back. She gives you a beautiful smile and a warm embrace as your face is smothered by her soft pillows. She makes you a tasty pbj sandwhich and sits next to you at the table while you eat and excitedly talk about your day. All the while she's looking at you with a warm expression and stroking your hair.

purepop and memepop and colorpop are the same thing

only total freaks like mimi and hyojung