
>moan, moan, moan

i feel so sorry for this international celebrity and multimilionaire


keira and amber heard have such good mouth areas

Shitty forced redditor meme

>Blame hair dye
>Not blaming nutritional deficiencies related to her eating disorders.

Hair loss is common in women with anorexia.

>blaming hair dye
>not anorexia

Hope being thin was worth it Keira. Let me hear how you don't have periods anymore aged 31.

>wearing wig for years
>31 years old


Thank you Ms. SKELETAL

>boobs don't create the slightest bulge in the smallest bikini
>losing her hair at 31
>man face with a lantern jaw
Poor girl really has been dealt a bum deal.

I love me some itty bitty's, but damn, she got some flat ones.

Didn't she know that constantly dying your hair will make you have hair loss?

It has been a known fact for years

gosh she's so dang pretty what the heck

>not liking sexy tomboys

Isn't it the norm to use wigs these days? At least for more flowing hair and shit.

that's some high quality spoilerinoes

It's also a known fact that you're a faggot who will amount to nothing yet you still waste your time here instead of getting better

Money=/= happiness dint be needlessly calous.

Did she dye her tits too?

still would

She was the only thing good about shitty boring Pirates 3

she was so anna in that they had to put her in the loosest clothes ever.

You mean that scene where she had to drop her pants and pulled a blunderbuss out of her ass?

Yeah, i chuckled.

that jelly

The worst thing that no one ever mentions is your bones ache. It doesn't go away if you get your weight back up either, your skeleton is permanently damaged

Having no period was the best part, it was almost worth dying in slow motion for that alone

>white people

lol women are garbage

eat protein and lift weights like blokes

She even looks hot with JUST hair.


a couple sammiches would help too

>muh waifu

Nah that bitch is to scrawny for my tastes. I am just telling you not to be a cunt.

Literally the perfect sized tits

I'd put my blunderbuss up her ass if you know what I mean.

That seems rather violent, I'd prefer to have analysis sex with her.

to nurse no more than two kittens

bitch so skinny, her last meal was breastmilk

I want to titfuck her.

Just rub my dick on dfc.

That's what happens when you live off a diet of cocaine and iced lattes.

I like her
any movies I should check out with her?

>Money=/= happiness
lmao@ur lyfe you dumb peasant


>Her limp strands returned to their formula glory, and now her hair is thicker and fuller than it ever has been - which has even lead to a couple of accidental dreadlocks.
OP is a faggot.

Yeah, I'm sue it's the hair dye and not the fact she doesn't eat enough to get nutrients into her body.

Next she'll claim her organs packing up are because of her movie roles.

Dat feelio wheb keira knightly is so hot she is even attractive with JUST hair

Tfw keira knightly was 17 in the first potc movie and still has more sex appeal than u will ever have in ur whole life combined

>17 yo girl is at her sexual prime

what a shock

she does too. she must be passed the level of facial aesthetics where your hair just doesn't matter.

>actually looks amazing with this hair


>no tits and balding

Fuck off heeb

You do know Americans are just imported British? It's all that intermixing they did with Indians and Mexicans that softened the features.

The Hole

What is it about her face that's so perfect that she could literally be bald and still be gorgeous?

She looks like a boy

that's KK in the morning before makeup

>dying her her every week

She should be happy she isn't dead.

Does Tranny hormone treatment make your hair fall out?

I whould still marry the fuckout her.

Actually it can off-set or completely halt male pattern baldness. Alopecia can still fuck up your shit, however

It does it you can obtain it younger and without medical problems. The problem is many folks that complain about money never had a plan or knew what they wanted.

She was hot as a size zero bud but took it too far.

Just like binging, I think starving yourself can get addicting sometimes. A good fast day for a cut will give you a certain euphoria.

>I think starving yourself can get addicting sometimes
can confirm, 45 kg 6' 20 yr old here

I'm literally addicted to feeling hungry, and if I get a boner my head feels light.

>no tits
>no hair

>implying a homeless guy with nothing to live for is just as happy as a hollywood celebrity with more money than she knows what to do with who has a receding hairline

45 as a male?
how are you alive?

>not understanding the USA was a melting pot since day one unlike Briton
You must be publicly educated.

This is what happens to anorexics...

>Didn't she know that constantly avoiding meals will make you have hair loss?


A melting pot of who? Brits, Irish and Indians?

>how are you alive?
I eat sometimes.

And yes, male.

Super kek

>hair is thicker and fuller than its ever been now

Oh so this is just le ebin shitpost that requires nobody to actually read your article

You came to the right board

Lots of germans, swedish, dutch, polish, italians, spanish and french. Fuck dude, you never pay attention to surnames and town names?

The vast majority of white americans are some combination of German, English, Irish
Some have a little bit of something else tossed in for flavor (Lots of Scandinavians in the midwest, etc)

>A good fast day for a cut will give you a certain euphoria.

feels fucking good, everyone should try it, easy to do too

>zaps hair with fuckton of chemicals
>is surprised when it craps out and dies

why do women do this?

I'd check her hole if ya know what I mean. Also, nice dubs

>deprive your body of essential proteins
>shock and angry a part of your body made of 100% protein doesn't grow and dies

dumb cunt


That not hair dye
That the anorexia doing it work.
along with the bone pains and lack of periods.

If she gained 10 pounds she would stop losing the hair and have boobs.

She was so hot back before she went with the Auschwitz look.

>jewish media sells hair dye as sexy and cool
>women trust it and use it
>now women are a bunch or Hillary supporting single mother whores past their prime with no healthy hair
Damn they're good at building a voter base. Touché jews

Holy crap, she has a nice face. She can pull off the JUST hair.

Minoxidil, do it now

Most white american's are German, not british.

The only place you see huge amounts of whites who are british as the majority are

Utah (Mormon converts)
Ozarks and Appalachians (Scott-Irish)
A few spots on the eastern coast.

Otherwise Americans are mostly german.

and the anorexia doesn't matter ....

>us census

gee i wonder why most americans don't self-report as having british ancestry...

In the 2000 census, 24.5 million Americans reported English ancestry, 8.7% of the total U.S. population. This estimate is probably a serious undercount by over 30 million given that, in the 1980 census, around 50 million citizens claimed to be of at least partial English ancestry. As many as 80 million Americans may be wholly or partly of English ancestry. In 1980, 23,748,772 Americans claimed wholly English ancestry and another 25,849,263 claimed English along with another ethnic ancestry.[33]

She should just shave her head. She might look really nice like that.

That big band of "American" are English and English mixes on the east coast.

Americans with German background make up 46 million americans, and are the largest single national-ethnic group in the US.

brits have been the numerically dominant force in america for centuries now user, unless you can show some evidence of recent mass german migration into the states this won't have changed

i hope you understand the folly of going by census data, many americans don't identify as british-american or english-american because they have been the dominant force and still are underneath, most americans names are british in origin too

50million or 80million is more than 46mil too


The only way that you can claim british is the largest is by claiming everyone who is "American" is really english, when the reality is that they are generally a mix of all sorts of mostly white nationalities. (with a mix of native americans)

White americans are a mix of British, Germans, Irish, and with clusters of scandi's and so on in places.

>gee i wonder why most americans don't self-report as having british ancestry...

Because most don't. English haven't been a major immigrant group since the 1700s. Germans were already arriving in large numbers by the time of independence (something that concerned Ben Franklin greatly, he feared they wouldn't integrate, would change the country for the worse, etc. All the usual nativist claptrap), and they were followed by Irish, Scandinavians, Southern Europeans, Asians, etc. Many Americans were likely reporting as having English ancestry because they had genuinely little knowledge of their ancestry beyond maybe their grandparents and felt that, as white Americans, they must have English blood in there somewhere - especially if they seemed to have an "English" name - but names were commonly Anglicized by either immigrants themselves, or immigration officials, so they're not always good indicators.

Since the '80s, there has been a lot of interest in genealogical research, and a lot of people's conceptions about their family histories have been changed.


We always thought we where english. Turns out that the "English" side was dutch who changed their name to a very English sounding name to fit in. So it turns out that I am 1/4 Scandinavian, 1/2 German, and 1/4 of a lot of Europe.

with enough money you can just jam stem cells into your head and get new hair and then be happy though

Or you know just take the pill you retard

>concave breasts
>wide, mannish shoulders
>thick neck
>large jaw

she might make a decent twink, but fuck that as a woman

>However, after becoming pregnant with her daughter, Edie, Kiera noticed that her hair began to grow back.

Read the fucking article.

all those criticisms would apply to claiming germans are the biggest group too

i'm sure you'd be hard pressed to find people who are 100% british blood, german blood, whatever, doesn't mean brits aren't the dominant group

going from 1980 census figures to today the biggest shift has been from those identifying as english-american/british-american to simply american, you can wonder why this is sure, but most people have not done genealogical research like you would suggest, more interest sure but hardly pervading most of society

it is hardly as though the biritsh simply stopped emigrating to america post independence either, and most immigration to the states post 1900 was east european/south european i.e. not british or german

so please stop using dodgy census data that is generally accepted to be severely under-representing british ancestry, i mean you can go on believing the country founded and built by brits is german or whatever but enough with using a census as gospel

Based Minnesota/North Dakota

Brits are not the dominate group anymore (Unless you count Irish as brits.

a huge chunk of americans are "American" which means they are so mixed with european blood lines that they have no cultural or family connection to any nation other then the US.

Do they have English blood? Sure, but many of them are Scot-Irish, irish, Italian, and so on.

Over 7 million Germans immigrated to the US, there is a "German band" from Pennsylvania to Oregon that is mostly Germans. And the germans have been coming since 1776 to settle here (In fact, till ww1 the most common language spoken in the US that wasn't english was german. German language disappeared as it was "unpatriotic" in WW1. )