What is your favourite 'guilty pleasure' movie?

What is your favourite 'guilty pleasure' movie?


>tfw not enough Hurley these days
also, Grandmas Boy is my go-to guilty pleasure

These movies are so terrible and juvenile, but they remind me of being a teenager and getting into trouble with my friends

The Core

Fuck yes, I sit down and watch these once a year, there's nothing better than getting /comfy/ and watching them wreck themselves

Absolute Guiltycore

I guess Zombieland could be called that. I love that movie for that feeling of empty world where there's just no people and it still managing to be fun and I could just go anywhere and do anything.




Yes, I know it's unrealistic, I know it's not film or kino or whatever, but goddamn could Michael Bay make an entertaining flick.

It's so comfy to fall asleep to.


nobody seems to have heard of this, but i love it

Little Nicky.
It's SO stupid that I can't help but love it

my uncle and i used to quote this movie back and forth all the time along with

i remember a time when my friends and i thought a guy sharting all over the tank and wall of a public toilet was the height of comedy

i kinda wish i could go back to those days. sometimes.

has megan fox cared about anything she's ever done?


The Matrix


Navy Seals or The Delta Force.

How good is this? I mean I know it is shit, but is it a complete waste of time?


fuck you
her acting is really good in this

the script is really bad
it's not completely unwatchable
espesially if you're into megan fox or amanda siegmunfreud

it's comfy-core, I put it on all the time at night

I still find it funny, plus I just miss that late-90's movie feel that this captures somehow. (Mystery Men also satisfies that itch. Don't ask me how, it just does.)

I also have a normie friend who doesn't know any better and thinks this is the best movie since sliced bread, so it's nice to have an outlet to enjoy it.

Nice one i could watch that any time.

not that guilty desu

alright meow

Shame Jim Carrey's kinda gone off the radar. I wish we could get an Ace Ventura sequel with an older Carrey.

>There will never be a second Mask film that isn't dog shit.

Oh well, at least The Mask is still great.

I dunno why they fucked up Mask 3 so horrifically bad. And then the Dumb/Dumber sequel was just... pathetic and sad, like a desperate cry for help

jim doesn't deserve to go out like that, i think if given to a competent comedy director, a timeskip Ventura film would be great. Just keep it like the old films and people should get a kick out of it. What would be a modern film's equivalent of the chitty-chitty bang bang scene?

Youth In Revolt Micheal Ceras best movie and extremely underrated