What is the whitest thing you've ever watched?

what is the whitest thing you've ever watched?

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good answer

Clockwork Orange


haven't seen that.
what makes it white?


Have you not noticed the entire armies of niggers, user?

but those were the bad guys

It's actually pretty good for a WWII propaganda movie

The being edgy for the sake of edgy

The Oscars

People like you are the reason why we got the shitty Ghostbuster remake, and the reason why Mary Jane is a rat-of-color in the Spider-Man remake

White and rich, just as god intended.

>The Time Machine (1960)
Apparently this is what people in the 60's thought all humans would look like in millions of years time

>Not one person with brunette hair
How did they get away with this?

Honest question,
Why do americans speak like that ?


>movie starring a Jew and a Mexican


fuck off yuropoor trash cucklet

White is a color and an attitude, not a religion or nationality.


Hyuuuu all dis white fang pain got me hol up you think white women are all crazy? Dey more racist than nythin

Because in this country we are OBSESSED with race and we have a culture of white guilt to make people feel bad for liking things "only white people like." And all of it is a misguided attempt to stop racism by focusing on race as hard as possible and bringing it up as often as possible. It's fucking stupid.

>There will never again be created a Hollywood movie with only a white cast

Niggers have a bigger race problem than whites desu
Whites can happily go their whole lives not thinking about blacks

They can only get away with it if it's a period film. In fact, they make period films specifically to keep the public under the delusion that they're still living in a white country. They want us passive until it's too late.

>whitest thing I've ever watched is also the best thing I've ever watched.
Will LOTR ever be topped?!?!

Blacks would still say a group is oppressing them even if whites were 100% non-partisan. In America they've defined themselves as being the worthless underdog and if they were given the opportunity to put themselves on equal footing they wouldn't take it as they would fear losing their collective identity.

>misguided attempt to stop racism

The only people trying to stop racism are white cucks.

You can't get any whiter than this


whatever you say kid

The 1950s version of "Sabrina" with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart.

Harlem Nights


look at those abominations

Must be shitty to have a victim complex that pervasive
You literally get better student loans and affirmative action paving the way for you but you bitch about slave trading that happened 200 years ago
I get its a culture identity crisis but god damn what a shitty culture



productive and law abiding members of society walking down clean neighbourhoods

>You literally get better student loans and affirmative action paving the way for you but you bitch about slave trading that happened 200 years ago

They get the special treatment because they bitch. That's why they keep bitching.


I heard that when a dog shits in the house you're supposed to rub its nose in it to break the bad behavior.
Maybe if the blacks were left to the squalor without any aid they'd have no choice but to work hard to escape the crap that they seem to like living in.

Jews are white

I suppose. People who ask for reparations always make me laugh. Of all the silly causes to get passionate about the one they back is "Gib me money whitey" which is both an impossible goal and helps no one but themselves
Wealth distribution is a problem sure but pouring it into blacks is like setting it on fire. Black people are crazy lol

You just described blacks pre-60s.

But the best solution is to give American blacks a piece of land in Africa, and British blacks one other piece, etc.

good post

>a white serial killer who kills whites
How did they get away with this?

So like if aliens visited in the past why did they teach everyone advanced math and construction and whatnot except for Africans? They have like dresses that look like aliens but none of the apparent knowledge that usually accompanies ancient alien visitations. Either the aliens met blacks and said fuck this or aliens never visited and everyone else figured out how to stack rocks to make houses?

Italians are white, right?

No, they're semitic. They originate in the near east.

Whitest : LOTR trilogy
Non whitest : Norbit
Really makes you think

Why are whites always so obsessed with their "whiteness", or at least Americuck """whites"""? They literally had nothing to do with any of the accomplishments of white people of the past yet they think because they were born white it automatically makes them a part of such achievements. You rolled and were born white, get over it. Unless you're actively contributing to human civilization and the human race (and not just shitposting about how goood it is to be white on a chinese webzone), go eat a fucking dick.

>inb4 faggots attack me for being a bitter non-white
I'm mixed race. Half-white, half-asian. I didn't choose to be this way, but I don't think i'm superior to anyone because of my ethnicity. You must be a completely empty shell of a human if your only accomplishment is "being white".

it's like winning the lottery, and thinking about how shitty it would've been being born a pajeet or a nigger
don't be jealous man, maybe in the next life you'll be lucky too, no need to hide you salt, we all know how resentful you mutts and lower races can be


I found that it's mostly uneducated people that stick to the belief that they are better based on the color of their skin. It's not just white people, you see the same behavior from other ethnic groups like blacks, and asians as well.

arr rook same

So are you saying what? that you wanted black elves on the adaptation of a book written on the 50 based on norse mythology?

I am all for multy multiculturalism but that's kind of ridiculous. I get the argument that movies should be more representative or depict society demographics better or whatever but that only counts for certain scenarios y think like if a story takes place on new york or Paris or whatever it may be a good idea to depict how those places actually are... and i am saying it might because a movie has no reason to represent reality. That's not what movies are about.

Take the new gunslinger adaptation for example. Idris Elba plays Roland and while i have no doubt Elba can pull it off, in the books it is stated that he is white. I am not saying he is white, King wrote him white.
There is even a black woman called Susanah who refers to him as a whitemotherfucker.

Now i am pretty sure she could fear Roland for many other reasons and the racist conflict could be rewritten but racism was a conflict for the character. Susanah came from the 50 and lot of people treated her like shit because she was black, and she resented that and a huge chunk of her personality had to do with that including how she relates to other characters on the book.
Now if that's cut out (and it probably would because Roland is now black himself and that conflict is prone to disappear) that is not only gonna take part of the character away but it would deny a correct depiction of how America was racist as fuck on the 50.

Would that be good for multiculturalism on movies or bad?

they all look the same
really the diversity we're hoping for, right guys

>I don't think i'm superior to anyone because of my ethnicity.

Therein lies the problem.

When you deny the obvious reality that we're not all equal, and you also bash other whites over the head with how oppressive and horrible they are, a lot of white people will inevitably respond by displaying an exaggerated sense of racial identity.

I know it's stereotypical but religion seems to play some part in the lack of motivation. whenever I travel on buses it's always a black person who is openly reading, memorizing and underlining passages in a dog-eared bible. Like if they just believe hard enough shit will work itself out and they don't have to lift a finger.



Literally perfection.

I'm not saying I want a multiracial cast.
I'm jusk asking what anons think is white kino

I have a neighbour that has a history of heroin abuse and he smells like alcohol every time I meet him. He looks exactly like Brendan in that pic.

really makes you think

What kind of ethnic demographics you want?

>in 1980 50% of counties in the USA were 100% white.

really makes you think

>Why are whites always so obsessed with their "whiteness"
Actually, everyone else is obsessed with us, especially niggers.

so much this

also nice digits

Does Christopher look white to you?



>white people
>in Paris

Best form of fiction

Aren't parts of Paris like a mini caliphate these days? Didn't they have to pass that no-hijab law to stop the takeover?

the jews and i mean (((jews))) have nothing in common with semitic peoples and those in the bible. They are an entirely different ethnic group that originated from central asia

That's really wierd

Hmmm it says here that they actually view non-jews as different

Do you suffer from face blindness?

>Saruman the White sells out white westerners and becomes Saruman of Many Colors
>Gandalf Non-White dies killing a huge ancient (((demon)) and becomes Gandalf the Honorary-White
>The ring is plain gold, (((Sauron))) is obsessed with it, and it corrupts men.
>The 9 Kings of men sold their solds for power and shekels and come back to life no matter how many times these evil servants die. Just like puppet politicians that are all the same anyway
>White Westerners get invaded by shitskins, shitskin halfbreeds(Created by Saruman of Many Colors) middle eartheastern men riding loliphonts and black pirates

This movie really makes me think when it talks about the age of men crashing down and I look at the world...

>Europeans Jewry
Most of them spoke Yiddish before assimilation, which is a bastardized dialect of the German language.
Racially they are proven to be closest to Italians. So about as white as italians are depending on your Sup Forums autism about whiteness.