Thoughts on Will Smith's humble abode

Thoughts on Will Smith's humble abode

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How many rooms do you think he's never been into since he first bought the mansion?

How come he has aged so well but his wife didn't do so good?

maintaining all that shit seems like more trouble than it's worth. I'd just buy a comfy Victorian style home somewhere out in the country if I was that rich

What's with the mud hut aesthetic?

Thoughts on Shia's humble abode

Thoughts on Wahlberg's humble abode

That's more like it

>be nigger millionaire
>build giant sand hut

Looks comfy.

da white man keepin us down

Thoughts on Clooney's humble abode

The mountains behind his home are where he hunts his prey.

What about his holiday retreat in Vietnam?


this is what i always think with huge homes like these. how the fuck does a family of four occupy that much space? you could rent it out and house like 100 people in there.

Spot the tax dodger.

I want a small, rustic cottage with modern amenities on a plot of land with lots of gardens.

I don't know why anyone would want something so large.

I guess it's a status thing but it still seems impractical. How many rooms do you really need?


What about Vincent Kartheiser's humble shack that he sold off?

I could live here with him

Why does he need so many airplane? Is he hosting refugees?

Looks nice. Doesn't look needlessly big.

Based fucking Shia. Turns out he's only pretending to be a cunt.

>Why does he need so many airplane?
He's an enthusiastic pilot, he flies all those planes himself, even the 747

>Why does he need so many airplane?
He's CIA

>be triggered by successful nigger

>mfw these faggots tell me about global warming and how I need to vote Democrat


Thoughts on Brendan Fraser's humble abode

*cantina band starts playing*

Looks comfy but why a flat roof? I know there's no snow there, but fuck dude at least tar it or something

Nah man, that place is a wankpad.

Guy probably only uses it as a hideout.

Out of the houses shown here this one is the best

Looks really comfy. I've never understood the desire to live in a 100000 acre monster.

Looks like the starter shotgun shack in the Sims that I'd always spruce up before moving my epic novel writing rockstar to an empty mansion.

That's pretty modest for a hollywood millionaire.

That mansion doesn't fit Wahlberg at all. It's too classy for someone as trashy as Mark.

His ex-wife is living in a nice place though.

I wonder how she affords it.


>everything green on the property
>outside a fucking desert

America getting cucked hard by climate change.

>Why does he need so many...


>every single one of these celebrities will preach about global warming and have hundreds of articles about how they can relate to the every day person


that feelio breelio when living in the UP and I have 88 acres and its all green and white

California was always a desert pham

Oprah's mansion makes all these celebrities look poor.


Did you mean "adobe"?

I mean, can't he put them in a hangar or something? That's tacky as shit.

>live in a fucking desert
>waste trillions of dollars on watering the lawn
Good job America

Looks like a pretty sweet place

It seems reasonably sized and the look (both inside and out) looks pretty great. Pretty high 9/10

I could see myself living here. Small, but comfortable with everything I'd want.

waht else does a man need? looks comfy

California is like that

People just force it to be green because rich

>Oprah makes all these celebrities look poor.

thats a sweet house, not too big or fancy


Looks like a Mos Eisley building

Looks like a fucking villains lair. Why does he need a quadrillion rooms unless to house all his goons?

Looks like a blace you could live in. Should mayeb clear one of those trees.

This looks like barbie dreamhouse.

Gentleman/10. Even looks like there actually are surrounding houses and not a fortress of solitude. I dont know how much of a pain paparazzis and fans are, but even I was famous I still would want to live in a city and not some isolated super villain mansion.

It's only worth 800k

Who the fuck designs these mansions?

This looks like several small houses got together and were fused by a mad scientist

Fucking rich people have no taste

Based Clooney

>lives in 5 mansions
>constantly talks about MUH GLOBAL WARMING
Somebody should shoot this hypocritical twat in the face.

It's great for guests or big parties. Or if you want to temporarily adopt an african family to elvate your social status within your fake social circle of rich twats

Why do so many of those places look like a hotel or a furniture showroom inside? There's not a hint of personal taste.

Did someone shit in the pool or it's turning brown becouse of his shitskin?


i want to birth his stupid babies because i love that house so much. i like to picture jonah hill wallowing in garbage and cheetos in the middle of every room and he has a curly, hairy tail like a piggy

This is just his show home right? He actually has a self sustaining farm/bunker in Idaho for when shtf right? You're better than this marky mark

But you better fucking care about global warming though. I'm big celebrity guy, but since I'm too Uncle Tom to the black community's eyes, I gotta preach somewhere else, right?

I'd say it's because what you're looking at is almost always realtor beauty shots intended to market the house to buyers, and not the house as it is with people actually living in it.

because they are showrooms? how do you think they got the pictures you think channing tatum took them the real estate agent did to sell the house retard

You both joke, but hulk hogan got fucked 100x harder than anyone ive ever heard of. His divorce lawyer had to literally have just walked in, sat down and said
>Just do what you want, as much as you want. We wont even say stop.

Hogans divorce keep in mind this was 7 years before gawkers and before the N word settlement was basically this:
his wife gets
>85% of all liquid assets, including all the cars (except the RV WWE gave him), Almost all of the items in the house and his finances.
>all of the houses (except the beach house in hogans home town he owned before they got married)
>50% of all profits from current and future business ventures that hogan is involved in (excluding WWE, which is because of WWE contracts). This includes his former beach restaurant, his webhosting business, his licensing in non WWE merch, etc.

lol its easy to spot the teen Sup Forums Sup Forums posters

ready for high school?


They're always professional shots for magazines or estate agents and even on a regular basis they would have cleaners. I don't know if you were expecting them to be filled with piss bottles and cum rags like your cube.

Needs a new roof.

They buy them furnished or they hire someone to decorate for them.

Also they probably only live in these houses for a handful of months out of the year.

Dicaprio 1

to be fair, most non retard americans know how stupid the whole southern california scheme is

this desu

Bono is worth $600 million and constantly campaigns for charity

It's all bullshit

Looks like an American interpretation of 19th century European architecture, disgusting

The thing I don't get about this, and 90% of the houses shown, is why have such a massive insanely huge house with rooms you never enter and then have such a small shitty pool? That's like a motel 6 pool. I'd have waterfalls and slides off my roof, a hotub in a cave, like come on.

Dicaprio 2

How come she got so much? Did he beat her or something?

How did he get JUSTed so hard? How long was he married? Was his attorney retarded? Did his wife have 13 young children? What the fuck?

because he's 40 ?

>cares about the environment
>has six cars

What do you expect from a profession all about fakery?

am I the only one who finds this hella comfy?

>you can't swim at age 40
Literally the best exercise

I know right? it's also easy to spot the triggered tumblr users who came to Sup Forums to see if it's as problematic as all their sjw friends have told them.

ready for the upcoming blm protest?

Looks like the kind of research lab where they strap people to tables and inject pathogens into their faces

>>You both joke, but hulk hogan got fucked 100x harder
it is what he gets for being a beta. the next level is when the mother of your children will call the cops on you for ''''''''''raping them'''''''''''' after she wants to divorce you.

top right he has another pool

Best part is literally being able to step off your plane and walking into your house.


Yeah cause he drives all 6 at once and theyre always left running

aren't scientologists supposed to hand over most of their money?

>I'd have waterfalls and slides off my roof
You mean like Celine Dion?

>you will never be able to build your comfy dream home
I hope these fucking actors know how good they have it