I fucking hate Sia

I fucking hate Sia

I would do really bad. I don't listen to the radio.

y shes got good stuff

I got 0

Only guessed the Imagine Dragons song.
Guess that speaks for my taste.

how can you not know all of them wtf they were all huge

She's all image and no quality

Why, are they that bad? [spoiler]At least by Sup Forums standards?[/spoiler]

Not that I know of, I've just seen them shit-talked here before, so assume most hate them.

>Sup Forums standards
Wish this meme would die.

I could guess 3/5.
Why did I spend my time on this.

I would bang Tori

Because I don't listen to pop music

Coming here while high is so fun. I can literally picture what you look like based on this comment.

I can see it now, some 17 year old is sitting in his room, he just put on his freshly ironed Loveless shirt, zipped up all his side zippers on his acid washed jeans and brushed the lint off around the rips in the knees. Black converse shoes looking clean, he knows people will see him in public and remember him and think he's cultured and interesting. He pulls out his phone as Sweet Trip is playing off his Sennheiser 558's. New message from Tiffany. "I don't know why Todd gets so angry when I want to spend the day with my girls". He smiles, time to shine. "You don't deserve him, you're the most beautiful, kind, smart and funny girl in the world. You need someone who is mature enough to appreciate you." He opens his browser to find a lyric that describes how deep he is, Sup Forums opens first and he sees this thread. His brow tenses up in disgust, he knows cool people wouldn't post in this thread. He sees people joking. He thinks "Sia doesn't get played at parties does it?", he's sure of it. Nobody in here has even broken a backwood down. "I fucking hate Sia. She is such poppy shit, she tries way too hard kek". Ethered those fuckers. He hears his dad yelling for him, "Landon go with your mother to get the oil in her minivan changed". He hits post just in time as he runs down the stairs

She's literally the best singer in current pop music


Best New Pasta 2017

Only recognized HUMBLE.

>I thought someone was rubbing a balloon
fucking normies

samefag. any images to the contrary will be categorized as photoshops

haha! you fucking idiot!

i couldn't get a single one

am i old?

how do i learn?

If you listen to Kendrick than you are a normie, faggot.

You need to hang around kids more often, user

watching this and i'm so glad I'm out of high school

how do i make adult friends btw

She's a genius songwriter user, the modern day Carole king

Go to church and ask God how to fulfill your service, joy will ensue, God Bless.