How is 2016 such a shit year for new movies to come out...

How is 2016 such a shit year for new movies to come out.Pic related is literally the only good movie that have come out this year.Lets hope 2017 is not such a disaster right?

I legitimately hate cats.



Do you enjoy shitposting day after day after day?

You're right OP, but marvelcucks will get triggered.

Nice Guys was great.

facts are not shitposting
the plot was terrible and the movie overall is mediocre and really forgettable

2016 has had no good movies quite frankly.

dont forget about shin gojira op

Jokes on you OP, I agree.

pancakes pancakes pancakes.jpg

>the plot was terrible and the movie overall is mediocre and really forgettable
this is literally BvS

BvS and Shin Godzilla are the ONLY good films from this year

>Only good film.

Low cinematic IQ detected all around this thread

tell some other good movie beside BvS that have come out this year then on movies so i can have a good laugh.. dumbass

Hi cats


BVS was shit, just like any marvel-dc film.


i would say its been pretty good, lotta stuff i liked
Neon Demon, Witch, Nice Guys, BvS, Suicide Squad, Hardcore Henry and lights out may be ok

anybody here see cafe society?

Fuck off, Snyder

2015 was the worst year for film maybe ever

Yet 2016 is already shaping up worse

Hollywood is so fucked

the wooddy allen film right? Wanted to but missed it

Good list. I hope hell or high water comes to my country

2015 was fine year.

OJ doc is probably my favorite document. Completely in love with it.

Hell or High Water just hits what I like, I'm

I'm biased towards NCFOM type rural neo-noirs and bittersweet feels.

lmao the best films ive seen all year are bvs, 13 hours, money monster and the nice guys. everything else has been shit, even some of the cannes slate

Sounds lit as fuck. And it has Armond white approval.

If something we need more neo westerns to counter the disney infested shit

How was the plot any more terrible than any other capeshit?

It features Superman and Batman fighting, how is that not epic?


Because Snyder


>the ''im too dumb to write anything so ill post a pic that doesnt mean shit anyway''


The only good movie of this year were Zootopia. All the others were from ok and meh to absolute trash.

>It features Superman and Batman fighting, how is that not epic?

fuck off DCuck
>no build up of conflict between them, batman wants to kill superman from the start because hes an out of character homicidal fascist now who kills people for being capable of evil and theres no reason for superman to fight him so they have Lex kidnap his mom lmao
>fight itself is insanely stupid, superman could simply tell him his mother has been kidnapped from the get go and could very easily disable batman from the sky with his laser vision, swooping in so fast he cant react, throwing something at him, ect
>batman doesnt just keep the kyrponite shard in his armor and stab superman immediately after he gasses him because it needs to be le ebin fistfight against the guy who can take down skyscrapers that batmans power armor without a mouth guard can handle somehow
>conflict is concluded in the most hack way in storytelling history, their moms happen to have the same name, a caveman could come up with a better ending a million years ago making up bullshit to his kids around a campfire
>visually looks like garbage and you can barely tell whats going on its so dark
>the actual batman v superman conflict everyone wants to see only takes up like 13 minutes of screen time, the other 6 hours have nothing to do with it and are all about Lex's autistic bullshit

Shut the fuck up, faggot


the ultimate version of BvS does not have any flaws,u just looking for straws and ur a marvel shill so all of your arguments goes automatically to the trash.

The ultimate version is just as shit as the original. It literally is only a little bit more violent than the original, and has a few things thrown in in an attempt to stroke the fans cocks enough so you can go online and defend it, and throw money at DCs next few pathetic attempts to catch up with Marvel.

It was the only movie I enjoyed in a couple of years.

>perfect execution

>to catch up with Marvel
explain Civil War then.It have same budget with BvS but looks like some made for TV,straight-to-video movie.BvS manages with the same budget to make a movie that feels like its light years ahead of CW.

>explain Civil War then
>people liked Civil War
>people, except for DCucks, didn't like Batman vs. Superman
Also, Marvel waited years before they made their big movie Avengers to develop the characters and stuff. DC said fuck it and shat out BvS and threw Batman in there out of nowhere. Sound pretty desperate to catch up with Marvel to me.

>that feels like its light years ahead of CW.
Since when? BVS was a disaster

Whatever happened to Tobey?

I wish DC was smart and didn't try and rush their movie universe, It could have been good but they got greedy.

Green Room was pretty solid too, but I think those two are the only memorable films this year, I might be forgetting one

Are you fuckin forgetting that Marvel had 6 years advantage to develop their universe..MCU started in 2008 and DCEU in 2013..
And BvS did not come out of nowhere its a follow up to Man of Steel and does a good job to continuing the story and keeping the franchise stable

>comic book movies

There was 2 hours of built up. Batman wants to kill superman because he caused many deaths of people he knew. He also is tricked by Lex that Superman cause the deaths in Africa and at the hearing. Batman is broken in the this version, and he's well aware of former allies becoming to enemies in his past.(the 20 years in gotham line)

Superman''s reason to fight Batman was his mother but the reason why he gives up trying to talk to Bruce and decides to kil him is because he was investigating Batman and from what he heard, Batman turned into a ruthless killer. So his mother is what got him there, but it's Batman's unwillingness to listen that makes Clark fight him.

He tried to but Batman wasn't listening and like I said early, from his perspective Batman is some insane killer. Superman is still holding back until it's to late and he gets hit by the Kryptonite.

He only had a certain amount of Kryptonite.and he used most of it in the spear. He wants Superman to feel fear and powerlessness. He wanted him to know that a man beat him. It was very personal to him. Logical? Maybe not but Batman has never been very logical.

It not about their moms having the same name. It's about Batman learning that The man that he thought was a monster that was calling out his Superman's name, made Batman realize that he was actually the monster. Much like the man that killed his parents in cold blood. Superman calling out Martha made Bruce realize how far he has fallen. And that's why he stopped.

If you can't tell what's going on than you needs some glasses.

Not true at all. The fight may only be 10 minutes or so but the rest is the build up. If you actually pay attention, it's pieces that are falling into place the whole time until the actual fight.

BvS is not too smart for people. But apparently it's too smart for you.

>but it's Batman's unwillingness to listen
>Bruce please listen to m-