Why'd they make his penis so small?

Why'd they make his penis so small?

It's actually above avarage though

Why didn't he regenerate his foreskin?

It's actually smaller in the graphic novel.

They under-emphasized it so it wouldn't draw the eye's attention - like Michelangelo's David.

>judging a penis length by its flaccid state
Are you a female or something?

The statue of David has a small peepee and it's still a great piece of art.

flaccid penises are small...

Why is it cut?


He's a grower, j-just like me ;_;

Wait what?
Fuck, can't unsee it now

For who?


>Jon Arbuckle
>Jon Osterman
It's like potty

For you

To give fat girls with small tits and loose vaginas something to laugh at.

>tfw grower and not a shower

oh well, at least my dick is less susceptible to frostbite

That's a pretty big flaccid dongle. Mine looks like a button with a fur coat.

He use to be white

"I am tired of Earth, these people. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives."

that pussy made Jon crazy!

>I am tired of that fucking cat, these animals. I'm tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives.

Because then it wouldn't be aesthetically appealing

He''s blue not black.

A-are you me? :0

4 u