Holy shit

Holy shit

its ok

not even his best album

goatest rhymescheme

Very good, but forgettable


8/10 B-tier hip hop classic

you guys fucking suck asss this frecord is fucking shiit =!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

stop tricking yourself into believing silly things

Don't listen to anyone in this thread. Illmatic is objectively the best rap album of all time. No hip hop fan/artist would dispute this. There's a reason why every rapper agrees that it's hip hop's bible. What's your favorite track?

>objectively the best rap album of all time

Obviously Illmatic is a classic but it sucks that it overshadows all of his discography so much. Obviously he has some duds but It Was Written, Stillmatic, and even Life Is Good are fantastic albums

>tfw I can't get into this album because I can't differentiate who is rapping which verse and that bothers me
Does it matter? Am I a pussy?


I cannot get into it because of the autistic spoken vocals parts.
I'd preffer to listen to Commons's Resurrection or Black Star's debut.

this is the most overhyped album ive ever listened to, while it is good by itself its not even the best solo Wutang project let alone rivaling for "best HH record"

How can you not differentiate them? Each of them brings something new to the table and their styles are quite different, it's not that difficult to recognize when Method Man's throwing his verses in comparison to Ol' Dirty Bastard.
That album is pretty good, but 36 Chambers can not be topped, at least for me. It's just the perfect rap album in terms of lyrics, fluidity, delivery etc., and it's so fucking fun.

Oh sorry there I go posting the wrong image again

Why dont you grow up a little and realize that "It Was Written" is a far superior album.

Nas is the greatest of all time.

I like this album but its boring as shit after enough reasons, some songs were way longer than they needed to be.

Sampling is god tier