/bbg/ Big Brother

Previously on /bbg/ Nat blowj'd her way to the top edition

HoH: moo & gnat
Noms: /fit & /x/
Veto: TBD

Target: whoever productions wants

Other urls found in this thread:


If Paul survives this week I think he wins the game.

The mist was strong last night. Easily most deserving.

That's a big if, your boy dug his own grave last night

RIP /bbg/, we had a good run this summer but it seems to have come to an end.

Leave the memories alone

No. After Paul's blowup on Nicole/corey and throwing James under the bus unintentionally, he wants to keep nicole/corey

Paul has to win veto or he's gone


is moochelle misting ya boy Paul?

No. she knows that if James and Nat are working with Corey and Nicole then her and whoever stays between Vic and Paul are screwed.


>link to last thread
>has 100 posts

great season we got here so many viewers

have not food is pie

how is that a punishment

It's almost as if half the cast is gone

Blame Borey, he got rid of the only good houseguest.

isn't that the point of the show and the end is supposed to be better? weird that more people aren't watching now huh

james and corey are playing POV

Didn't they have beef and potatoes a couple weeks back?

I miss the days of alliteration
>"licorice and lima beans"
>"beans and broccoli"

Don't try and mist me showfag

so you realize the season is shit and has no viewers and have nothing to do other than try to call me a name

what? the broadcast shows will have mostly the same viewership as its a recap/edit of previous days events condensed into an hour

the live feeds get less viewers as there are less people doing less things. when there are 16 HGs, half could be awake while the other half sleep. when its down to 6, it gets pretty boring especially after you have heard all their stories already and its not like most of these remaining HGs were ever interesting to watch to begin with

based corey


>letting James off the hook

>the end is supposed to be better?

first season?

>mostly the same viewership
yeah, but lower than the other 17 seasons

>thread dies on a friday night way before bump limit
>people still defending this shit season


thats pretty good

they died last year in the wee hours and we had 2 smoking hot twins... 2 OF THEM

and based austin and vanessa and jmac and the winner all still in the game

everyone knows this season is shit. What's your point?

this guy doesn't

what are you even going on about? i was talking about last season and how threads died and it was an infinitely better cast. of course this one doesnt stand a chance

seriously not even sure what you are trying to prove

did you see her pulling her sock off with her mouth in the flashback friday ep of the RK strip comp?

remember when she took a shower in the HoH room?

is it the pies paulie made? that would be quite the punishment.

Hey niggerfaggots, long time masturbator first time poster and summerfag here
why everyone hates Nicole and calls her a snake?


it's ironic
Nicole is a pure maiden

because she eats mouses

shes using based christmas corey to further herself in the game

no, dont be lewd. i dont sexualize the waifu. i only celebrate her qtness

Natalie is so hot I want to slowly impale her with my dick until she has as high pitched voice as Nicole does

Need timestamp, didnt watch

for that one guy who asked

nat nominated vic and meech nominated paul


She's not a snake. She's just an idiot.


>tfw nobody webm'd nat waving her finger and saing NO NO NO again last night

the only hopes for this timeline are if Vic gets this veto and Bridgette gets this buyback

they need all the based energy they can right now

Paulie winning would be just as entertaining

>muh mentally unstable white man

get a new shtick

Paulie went to jury to recoop, resolidify his relationship with Z and talk strat with Derek.

this is why we need a reality tv general

Derrick has forsaken him long ago.


In public to save face. They have fucked each others asses they are brothers for life.

it going to be extremely painful to watch paulie arrive at the jury house and that stupid hoe will run to him and hug him

and she had the audacity to sit in the house and refer to other girls as a THOT

paul has fully misted himself into believing nat, james or meech will pull him down if they win the veto

Remember boys, sign up for the next big brother and not be a boring shit. Also recap the hoh comps and veto comps for the feeders

if i won POV i would get other HGs to wear the necklace immediately after just to fuck with feeders

based james going to take the blame for voting out paul

Don't forget to constantly reference stale memes.

First for /our gurl/ Michelle

Paul getting rekt

We were so focused on Paulies gaslighting we never even realized it was Paul with the mist.

meech will never be our girl and paul will never be our boy

give up already

we like paul

it's going to be a /fit/ and natnat final 2
cap it

no u


i have a cap of final 2 for ever combination in the house

Is the plan still nic/corey if one comes down

it never was

So meech will nom James if her pick comes down?

Is the plan still /rtvg/ if /bbg/ comes down again

pretty much the only choice left. something pretty crazy would have to happen for meech to put up james if paul comes down

i think its still paul or vic who will be evicted either way though

i dont know maybe putting james up as a pawn replacement could ensure it though

natalie has no brain listening to her talk this long is torture

why does she have to put up James?

There are 3 votes this week

Vic/Paul would vote to evict Corey
Nicole would vote to evict Vic/Paul
James would vote to evict Vic/Paul

James just said that Corey's personality is a guy douche bag

Natalie is so beautiful inside and out I want to destroy her

She doesn't have to unless she changes her mind of the target, I don't think as of now nic/corey would vote james out over a paul/vic.

who /paul&vic/ here?

>rooting for a male

at least it's not a white male


i dont even why why people would route for the other pairs. they are lame and boring


I kinda want Reddit to renom James now and they all make a deal with Corey/Nicole.

Official Pair Rating:
1. Paul / Vic
2. Meech / Food
3. Nic / Corey
99999. Nat / James

He would that be? The only one he really had much of a hand in was Bridgette, and I know you can't mean her.

Why do you hate good gameplay?

I want Paul to win veto, so Vic can go out and win the buyback. It would be hilarious.

watch the w-bombs, amigo

paul road paulies coattails as long as he could, he hasnt made a single move on his own that has stuck

meech has been blindsided by what the entire house was voting on like 3 times

i guess in your mind this is good game play

>mfw I see a butterfly

I bet you hate Ian too

how could anyone hate someone who told boogie to get to steppin? solid retort though

>paul road paulies coattails

Paul didn't even really get that close to Paulie until maybe the week Frank went out.

And then he betrayed him twice.

So he rode Paulie's coattails for two weeks?

he did everything paulie told him to until the girls blew up paulies game and he had no choice but to side with them.. hell he even went with his choice on the DE vote

>implying that was coreys call

he was inhaling the mist faster than he could drink the koolaid

yea being a rat and then saying your a mastermind in your good bye message.

>pp was only a thing for a week 1/2
>paul backstabbed paulie every chance he got
>somehow rode coattails


natalie is such a fucking cunt her face is fucking trash i cant even look at her.