What's Sup Forums's opinion on Rush? What's their best album?

What's Sup Forums's opinion on Rush? What's their best album?

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Hemispheres boi

I like them because they give me an oldschool sci-fi kind of vibe.

One of the more interesting prog groups to listen to as well, they changed a lot through the years

I haven't really heard too much from them, but I really like 2112

I love Rush.

My rankings:

Top tier:
Moving Pictures
Grace Under Pressure

High Tier:
A Farewell to Kings
Power Windows
Snakes and Arrows
Clockwork Angels

Mid tier:
2112 (side two is much worse than side 1)
Permanent Waves
Hold Your Fire

Low tier:
Fly By Night
Caress of Steel
Roll the Bones
Vapor Trails

Shit tier:
Test for Echo

slappa da bass mon

good list user
nice to see snakes and arrows there

Rush is one of those bands that never fell off super hard. Sure they had their peak from 2112 to Moving Pictures, but everything afterwards is all listenable with a few gems throw in too.

Everything up to Permanent Waves is GOAT. They lose me after that.

Best album is this debut.

Good band,fun to go through their discography

Rush is garbage dad rock, and a lazy excuse for prog

Good shit. Hemispheres is probably my favourite.

Massively under-appreciated band. Moving Pictures is the classic but we all know 2112 is the GOAT album. Even Clockwork Angels is still pretty good.

everybody hates people like you

is there any vocalist worse than geddy lee?

Red Barchetta is their best song. Prove me wrong.


Listening to that song while driving is bad for your insurance premiums.

That's a good list. Would maybe say Permanent Waves is up a tier. 3/6 tracks are classics.


Get lost

My favourites are A Farewell to King/Hemispheres

shitty fedora-core dadrock

>Smelly prog band with fedora sci-fi ayn rand lyrics
You can't made this shit up

I'd put Caress of Steel in Mid tier but this is a pretty good list.

>You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
>If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
>you can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
>I will choose a path thats clear
>I will choose free will

Am I the only one who loves Counterparts and Clockwork Angels?


>new concerts never ever
>new album nevrr ever
Hold me



1. Moving Pictures
2. Hemispheres
3. Signals
4. Permanent Waves
5. A Farewell to Kings

That's not true, user I love you

Best song is cygnus x-1

I like this list but I would bump 2112 up to High Tier and Rush and Fly By Night to mid tier

and put Roll The Bones in Shit Tier

And yet here you are bumping a thread dedicated to his band

>Power Windows in high tier
Patrician spotted

Best song?

this is the only change i'd make other then that perfect list

closer to the heart